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As the title states, I propose we place flat earthers in front of q-tards for the biggest gullible retards in existence.

Because at least the q-tards wanted what was best for the country and their future.

Flat Earthers are just a waste of resources, maybe we could use them in labor camps in the future.

As the title states, I propose we place flat earthers in front of q-tards for the biggest gullible retards in existence. Because at least the q-tards wanted what was best for the country and their future. Flat Earthers are just a waste of resources, maybe we could use them in labor camps in the future.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

You're comparing something one believes in with something else that someone believes in because they were told by a bunch of satanic, masonic jews told them so.

Let me play this game of comparing in believing something and indoctrination: I propose we place all the indoctrinated in front of the libtards for the biggest gullible retards in existence.

Neither Qtards nor libtards have anything to with the shape of the earth, but since we're playing this game of lumping one belief with another, let it be known that Qtards at least question the system. Libtards believe everything they're told and demand that they be presented with evidence that they refuse to look at but say "there's no evidence" against their belief.

I would say that at least the majority of people here on Poal know that indoctrination camp lied to us about history. They know they lied to us about other things told us in science class. They know they lie to us daily with fake news and censor the ones that try to get the truth out. They know damn well scientists, teachers, historians, news anchors are full of shit and are lying through their teeth. Yet they're indoctrinated enough to believe every single word Never A Strait Answer (NASA) says about anything and never, ever, one single time, ever raise one single question what the very same satanic, masonic jews that control everything I just mentioned told us about the cosmos. What they said about the cosmos is 100% true and anyone who questions what they said is a retard, doesn't understand science or physics. That's exactly how libtards present their case. Anyone who dares to have the balls enough to question the system needs to be ridiculed and shamed. That's exactly how the libtards and the indoctrination camps are treating whitey now.

If you respond back, I would bet dollars to donuts that you will respond like a typical libtard. You will up the insulting. You will demand that I show evidence that you won't look at and/or you will have tons of questions although you won't care to look at the answers proving that the earth is flat even though I am in way trying to convince that it is. You will believe anything your puppet masters told you and then call me the brainwashed one. I've seen that so many times with the libtards/indoctrinated. You will do/say anything to shame and ridicule anyone that doesn't believe everything they were told, but never once question anything you were told.

[–] 1 pt

"Dollars to doughnuts"

I say this too, but is it still apt?

Doughnuts are $0.99 plus tax, at Tim Hortons.

[–] 2 pts

This got moved out of /askpoal by the hand of god, because I guess it isn't an /askpoal topic. And if it isn't an /askpoal topic, I'm not quite sure what goes there.

[–] 2 pts

You have a working, repeatable experiment that proves either; the motion of the Earth, or any attraction whatsoever between two masses?

Please post.

[–] 2 pts

the apple fell to the earth from the tree, that's gravity....

if you watch the stars you can plot the orbits and work out the gravity formula just like people did 10,000 fucking years ago in ancient Sumer and Babylon.

Sorry you are so fucking illiterate to not know this.

[–] 1 pt


Everything is moving at 666,000km/hr, but the stars are in the exact same places they were during the Sumerian Empire.

Seems likely.


[–] 0 pt (edited )

You don't measure rotation in KMH/MPH that's how you measure tangential velocity. You measure rotation in RPM and the earth rotates about .006 rpm. I know really fast and the stars have changed position. The current north star wasn't the north star about 3000 years ago. It's changed and in a few thousand years it'll change again. Sorry astrological phenomenon doesn't conform to your life span

Apples falling can be explained by density and buoyancy.

[–] 1 pt

density and buoyancy absent gravity would not make an apple fall from a tree tho, but nice try.

[–] 0 pt

What's the formula for buoyancy? And density isn't a force so it can't give objects a vector.

[–] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

Always it's the Cavendish experiment, and Foucalt's pendulum.


You got something a bit more modern? Or repeatable?

Every single Foucalt's pendulum on display has magnets driving it. Also, the experiment is flawed as fuck from the beginning. It's impossible not to impart momentum during the initial stage of the experiment, and even if that were not true, he used woven cable.

You ever look at some woven cable before? It's twisted. Any braided rope will "pendulum" as tension causes the twist to stretch.

Weighing the world? That's some scientific stuff right there!

[–] 0 pt

You literally said "repeatable. That list I gave you ARE repeatable

[–] 0 pt

Hahaha I expect nothing less from a flerf. Here's a modern one then get a good camera , a solar filter and record sunrise to sunset and see the sun never change in size.

[–] 2 pts

Flat earthers have more credibility, lmao

[–] 1 pt

Holy shit threads like this give racism a bad name

[–] 1 pt

Q was created to focus flatearthers and chemtrailers on fisagate and the intelligence community. Now, after the intelligence community has won, they are chasing aliens again.

[–] 0 pt

don't forget christcucks