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Poe's Law

Poe's Law

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

So many Qtards actually believed this was going to happen. Their delusion was destroyed when Biden was sworn in and now they are hopelessly black pilled. The few remaining Qtarded hopium addicts are still clinging to every last bit of desperate theories and hearsay to keep from having to admit they were played.

@Crensch had to move his flock of sheep to a new sub so he could ban everyone who could possibly bring any outside reality to his few remaining believers. He even lifted the bans on /s/QStorm so the sub will get shitted up by Qtard opponents making Qtards leave it and go to his new hyper-oppressive sub. The jig is up and he is trying to maintain his control over the last of these Qtard sheep since his life has no meaning or purpose beyond leading his ragtag splinter group of Qtard cultists. Sad.

Undaunted, these die hard believers keep going with newly manufactured hopium of fake movie sets, commercial airliners and blank EOs signed by Jill Biden. They no longer speak of watermarked ballots or trusting Barr or the Durham probe. They have gone silent on the Kraken, sealed indictments and the German server farm shootout.

Meanwhile real American lives are being destroyed by the communist regime in power. They are being forced into massive debt slavery and health tyranny. They sat back and did nothing more than pop popcorn and watch a movie. The popcorn bowl is empty, the movie is finished and the house lights are on yet they sit there staring at the blank screen pretending like the show is still on. They are truly pitiful and pathetic.

It's over, Qtards. Go home.

[–] 2 pts

beautiful write-up

I never heard of Crensch, but sounds like a real piece of shit lol

[–] 1 pt

2 more weeks to falten the trusted plan

[–] 1 pt

Believe.....im getting another q tattoo. Im rewriting the bible and putting q in place of jesus's name. Praise be the 17th letter of the alphabet.

[–] 0 pt

This isn't "peak Q". People are still hitting the hopium after the 20th.

[–] 0 pt

got some better peak Q screenshots?

I want to see lol

[–] 0 pt

No. I block it all when I can and ignore it when I can't.