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[–] 0 pt

Completely bought into the pandemic while claiming to be j-pilled, lmao

Virus is real, killed 1 million old people, china made it, jews are withholding a cure to further their interests.

Its not that hard. Sorry this isnt conspiratorial enough for you goy. Its not 5G. Germs are real. The world is round.

[–] 1 pt

We had this conversation on voat and you stopped talking after you realized no extra people died this year. China made the virus, but it’s completely symptomless yet highly contagious. They list the “symptoms” as all of the most common symptoms of illness so anyone who gets any type of sickness will test positive for the virus which isn’t even causing their symptoms in the first place. And, naturally, anyone who dies of any illness or organ failure can immediately have their deaths blamed on the virus that they tested positive for.

In a world where that was happening, the death counts would look exactly like they do now.

[–] 0 pt

anyone who gets any type of sickness will test positive for the virus which isn’t even causing their symptoms in the first place.

Thats not whats happening.

What you have to understand it that if you inhale 1 single virus (of covid or flu or ebola or anything) you are unlikely to get an infection. If you inhale 100 individual viruses, you are still not likely to get infected. You have to inhale thousands and thousands of covid viruses to be likely to get an infection.

Covid viruses can be inhaled, get stuck in your sinuses, and just die there, never causing infection. The pcr test is very sensitive, too sensitive. Some people with trace quantities of virus are testing positive but never get the infection. This is very dangerous because people believe they have “fought it off” when they havent. They are still susceptible. People that do not test positive at 30 cycles of the pcr test, but do test positve at 35 cycles are highly unlikely to have an infection. There is just not enough virus.

Buy durvet Ivermectin for horses. On jewmazon. 2 doses at the onset of symptoms will cure most cases.

[–] 0 pt

We had this conversation on voat and you stopped talking after you realized no extra people died this year.

Doubt it. Im getting tired of showing retards how to do their sums. Ive showed people the math based on the very source they have been quoting all along, namely the CDC.

Outlets like Zero hedge and gateway pundit have posted deceptive statistics based on the cdc numbers, like

  1. French bitch in johns hopkins newsletter says old people are dying at the same rate as last year — false, they only had the same proportion of deaths compared to other groups.

  2. Cdc death count is the same as last year— false, the CDC death reports are often not registered for 8 weeks or more. Now, several weeks in to 2021, the total death count for 2020 is 3,260,397 and still climbing as outstanding 2020 data rolls in. Compare that with 2019 deaths 2,839,205 — it is a 15% increase, even in spite of the fact that there were essentially no covid deaths for 2 of those months. Once we get to March, you will find that the 12 month death tally was up 20% from the previous 12 months. Not inconsiderable.

  3. Covid deaths were really people that died of heart attacks and stroke. — false. Covid attacks your heart muscle and causes your blood to clot causing strokes.

Ive seen people dying of this. People Ive known who get severe flu and are dead a week later. Everyone in this area knows someone who died of this. Everybody’s family is not lying.

Im sorry this doesnt fit your conspiracy narrative. Democrats and bureacrats have been withholding the cure which is very effective if taken early. You are too dumb to realize this.

This is the white equivalent of “we wuz kangz” — it’s retarded and Im embarrassed for/by you.