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[–] 1 pt

First you shills have to admit you are ok with

Bush Clinton crime families not being punishished You are ok with pedophiles You like communist You don't like Christians

[–] 5 pts

Nice coping there. If we don't believe your fantasy we are pedos and ok with crime families? What exactly separates you from the "crazy lefties" who make up their own genders?

[–] 1 pt

I'm not a Q fan boy gamma faggot.

Yes I hoped it was real I wanted the Bush Clinton crime families not just arrested but hung for treason and crimes against humanity.

I never was waiting for the white hats I am a white hat. I'm moving to the country and helping others as much as I can and trying to have white kids.

My mission gwt as many people out of degenerate cities as possible and make good strong white communities like America was for 90% of its history.. self sustaining living off grid and paying as little I taxes as possible..

Qanon are good people with the right idea even if it was. Larp they are allies

We just need to open their eyes on the real enemy

[–] 1 pt

Lying LARPS selling copium are NEVER good for anyone. that;'s jew talk right there. To be effective at anything, you first have to face reality, which you have been completely unable to do, even now. You people are worse than traitors. You got fucking fooled and you are diggin in your heels. You would have been better off forming relationships and not ppissing off everyone around you with your stupid LARP bullshit, now you are truly alone. What a cope. sad. many such cases.

[–] 1 pt

The people who were hyper critical of Q will never get anything done without brute force. Q followers were clearly misdirected allies. There was occasional good Q intel, but it's not a religious movement, so the predictions are something that i viewed as what they were trying to do, and failed at.

Either way, the non-shill Q haters should have more friends once it hits the followers, if it hasn't already. Anybody moving goalposts is likely a shill or delusional, no matter the side they're on.

[–] 0 pt

I noticed as the Q movement was coming to an end alot of them had become OK with JQ. At first they would just say dont divide or Patriots have no color

Then what you said makes even less sense. So you didn’t believe in the dumb thing completely either, but people whose only “crime” in your eyes is to hate Qtards must want to molest children and hate Christians? Why don’t you figure out what you really believe and then come back. This ain’t it.

[–] 3 pts

So you think that because we were never qtarded enough to believe the obvious bullshit you did..... therefor we're ok with crime families? We tried to warn you bro.

I'm sorry how much this day sucks for you. It sucks for us all, but we had time to come to terms with it.

[–] 1 pt

I don't know how you shills live with your self.

I was not a Qanon! I fought with them you fuckint idiot I said jews could hide amongst them to easily..

But they are allies you stupid divisive fucking gamma faggot.

Did I hope it was real and take hits of hopium? Umm fuck ya I hoped Q would topple the most evil vile communist pedophile jew controlled asshole! Who the fuck wouldn't hope fkr that..

Did I let it stop me from working towards changing things in my life and hopefully on a bigger scale?

Umm fuck no

[–] 0 pt

Your emotions betray that you were a believer, bro. You didn't just take the occasional puff, you banged hopium like an addict. Its ok, now you go through withdrawal. I've often said that the q people can be our allies once they wake up, I'm not being divisive at all.

You're just lashing out because it feel terrible to finally recognize how much you've been duped. I'm sorry you had to go through this. You'll get ok soon enough. Be at peace bro.

[–] 2 pts

Not going to happen my friend. These people won't stop until put down. Looks like in a couple months we won't be talking. The dark ages have arrived.

[–] 0 pt

Agree. How will we know where to go?

[–] 0 pt

Why would you think this?

Is it your belief that anyone who was not fooled by Q somehow wants the Bush/Clinton crime cabal to thrive?

[–] 0 pt

When you celebrate the Q loss who won?

[–] 0 pt

Regardless of the obvious loss to the country its only natural that some people will celebrate seing their argument vindicated.

"I TOLD YOU IT WAS THE WRONG RIVER!" he shouted as they fell over the edge off the waterfall.

Still... It was the wrong river.

I was never stupid enough to think they would get arrested to begin with. Biden, Clinton, Obama, Trump... -They all unite under ZIONISM. When choosing among the AIPAC employees, the question is: Do you want a left-winged jew? Or a right-winged jew?