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[–] 31 pts

Wrong. 100% wrong. Q only ever had one principle:

Do nothing. Do not be afraid of the wolf coming to kill you. Do not be prepared. Do not vote. Do not call your politicians. DO. NOTHING.

That is Q

[–] 1 pt

Thats why the Jews always beat us. Their fake religion tells them they are Gods chosen people and Earth is ripe for their taking. Our fake religion tells us to do nothing about this, just watch, wait and let it happen. The ONLY option left is to name the Jew every day to as many people as possible and make "Anti-Semitism" a new normal.

[–] -1 pt

That will never work, and to be honest, there are as many perfectly gentile people doing exactly what anyone else is.

We're staring at the answer. Jewishness is, at its core, two things: The union of male and female, and love. We need to continue to transfer our purposes and values to women, who can embody them in society with more energy and voice then we can. We need to understand the power of love - of "deciding" what and how to love, and really giving yourself to it.

We just need to be a tribe so good, that we don't falter under attack. Fathers and sons so bound by love, that they can't be turned apart. We have to chose our work in the world, find out what it is right to do - and then love that work completely and unreservedly.

That is the game of the Jews. To be able to manipulate their own souls, to build the world they want for themselves. We basically need to stop being losers.

It's the same justified qualm that edgepoasters have with the modern (((Scofeld))) retelling Christianity, and it's no wonder that there was such a high overlap between the two groups. The cucked variants of Christianity simply recommend praying for justice, as if God's sitting up there with meteorites waiting to smite down anyone who wrongs their family.

For what it's worth, they can now burn their $300 of Q merchandise and Scofeld Children's Bible in the same bonfire.

Sounds like, "Here's just enough to stay the fuck out of our way while we handle shit so you don't accidentally interfere, fuck things up, or get your ass arrested or killed in the process." Maybe that was the whole purpose of Q. My reason is just as true as your reason.

[–] 0 pt

I mean, these two concepts are not that different, really. But if that's the case, then Trump (or his team) are entirely and solely guilty of the complete destruction of the right. And the complete destruction of the lives of the Capitol protestors.

If that is what happened, then I'm hanging up my spurs, putting a wig on, and running as a Democrat so that I can at least have a shot at the pie.

Nothing is over yet. But go ahead, if it makes you feel pretty!

[–] 0 pt

I dont agree.

[–] 0 pt

Ok, shoot: What was the part of the Plan that was for you to do?

[–] 0 pt

I never followed the plan bit Ill tell you what I saw. They had online momentum, they raised money, had rallies, suceeded in getting Trump re-elected and held a bigger protest than the pussy hats. Or anyone that I can see.

WNs did not achieve that. Face it Q has pushed back on the left more effectively than WN.

[–] -1 pt

So Q never said Hillary needs to be arrested?

Q never said do your own research into the satanic pedophiles?

He had a plan he lost 5o the most powerful entity in man kinds history the zog controlled united States goverment

[–] 3 pts

Listen to yourself. "Q said Hillary needs to be arrested".

What does that do though? What does it do, except make you feel comfortable beacuse "the most powerful entity in mankind's history" will protect you?

He taught you to give up, once inch at a time. It started with "you can give up, because I'm there for you son". I'm already hearing QTards say things like "I'm ready for unity, we can't fight".

Because you've spent MONTHS AND MONTHS, being conditioned that YOU should not do anything. It's so deeply wired into you, not with admonitions, but with pleasure and fake love, that you can't break out of it.

That was always the goal of Q.

Perhaps the FBI really was "the most powerful entity in mankind's history", just like you said.

[–] 0 pt

I might have to just stop replying to you fucking shills or report the spam. I never was a Qanon I fought with the. I said I hoped it was real but never fucking relied on it I've been doing what we all should have been doing planning to get the fuck out of this system and build strong white communities away from cities turn all the cities into Detroit for fuck sake you fucking dense fuxking retard

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

That is nonsense. You are pretending to know that which cannot now be known unless you are an insider and, since you are spending all of your time crying here on Poal, I am going to go ahead and say with much certainty that you are definitely NOT an insider who has some special knowledge that we all need to listen to because the rest of us are stupid and only YOU have all the answers. Complete and utter nonsense. At least Q brought something to the table; you bring nothing, but tears.