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[–] [deleted] 32 pts


You fell for a larp/Operation Trust. I tried to save you from this. You must feel like a complete goober right now. Will you be a man and admit you are wrong and apologize to me or will you be a fuckin jew?

[–] 26 pts

Bro, I don't know about crench per-se, but the crazier ones like @Godsangell have already moved the goal post (again, really shouldn't surprise anyone) to 90 days so that they "can be caught in their crime". All this means is that at around 60 days, they'll move the goal post again saying that they'll need to finish out the first two years of their terms before blah blah blah.

It's a real shame because they think we're "shills" for trying to help them.

[–] 4 pts

You are kinda shills.

Q is a larp ok they lost against the most powerful evil force jn man kinds history...

But the basic principles and things Q wanted to get done are good.

  1. End child trafficking
  2. Arrest Bush and Clinton crime families
  3. End DC corruption

Those 3 alone sound like allies not some one you attack. Ok awaken them to the larp then bring them jnto the fold against the fucking swamp the deep state the globalist?

Aka the jews they are allies and you treat them like enemies
[–] 31 pts

Wrong. 100% wrong. Q only ever had one principle:

Do nothing. Do not be afraid of the wolf coming to kill you. Do not be prepared. Do not vote. Do not call your politicians. DO. NOTHING.

That is Q

[+] [deleted] 13 pts
[–] 13 pts

Q isn't a larp. Q is a psyop operation. Q always reiterated the "larp" idea as being the counterargument in order to distract from the actual criticism of Q being a psyop.

[–] 5 pts

Trump had 4 fucking years. In 4 years he gave the Americans ass holes to Israel. He surrounded himself with the swamp he claimed to be draining, and lost any gains made. Fuck off

[–] 1 pt

you're manufacturing well-intentioned idiots

it's a liability

[–] 0 pt

they have programmed us to fear propaganda. they tell us its mind control that will lead us to our slaughter. we dont understand what propaganda is or how it should be used. they have programmed us to not trust people who say they have our best intentions at heart all while it's their platform.

[–] 2 pts

The Qtards are mentally vacant. Now you can see why the Communists took over so easily/

[–] 1 pt

Crensh and satansangel should have the goalposts shoved up their worthless asses.

[–] 6 pts

So emotional for all the many qtards

Many many emotions

[–] 6 pts

Crensch was, bar none, the biggest faggot on Voat.

[–] 0 pt

No fucking doubt about it. The numnut thinks a Biden clone took the oath today. Unfucking believable

He's a shill paid to propagate the psyop or legitimately mentally ill, either way all he does is spew retarded faggotry.

whoa whoa now! what about sanegoat???!?!? That guy screencapped, logged, and blogged about everyone who looked at him funny

[–] 0 pt

Don’t forget Srazie... Or whatever her fucking name was...

[–] 0 pt

Hands down. Just 3 days ago he was telling anyone on here that doubted absolute victory was still about to happen to slit their wrists.

[–] 1 pt

That's a lot of face to save...

[–] 1 pt

Yes, but he can't save his legs.

[–] 1 pt

First you shills have to admit you are ok with

Bush Clinton crime families not being punishished You are ok with pedophiles You like communist You don't like Christians

[–] 5 pts

Nice coping there. If we don't believe your fantasy we are pedos and ok with crime families? What exactly separates you from the "crazy lefties" who make up their own genders?

[–] 1 pt

I'm not a Q fan boy gamma faggot.

Yes I hoped it was real I wanted the Bush Clinton crime families not just arrested but hung for treason and crimes against humanity.

I never was waiting for the white hats I am a white hat. I'm moving to the country and helping others as much as I can and trying to have white kids.

My mission gwt as many people out of degenerate cities as possible and make good strong white communities like America was for 90% of its history.. self sustaining living off grid and paying as little I taxes as possible..

Qanon are good people with the right idea even if it was. Larp they are allies

We just need to open their eyes on the real enemy

[–] 3 pts

So you think that because we were never qtarded enough to believe the obvious bullshit you did..... therefor we're ok with crime families? We tried to warn you bro.

I'm sorry how much this day sucks for you. It sucks for us all, but we had time to come to terms with it.

[–] 1 pt

I don't know how you shills live with your self.

I was not a Qanon! I fought with them you fuckint idiot I said jews could hide amongst them to easily..

But they are allies you stupid divisive fucking gamma faggot.

Did I hope it was real and take hits of hopium? Umm fuck ya I hoped Q would topple the most evil vile communist pedophile jew controlled asshole! Who the fuck wouldn't hope fkr that..

Did I let it stop me from working towards changing things in my life and hopefully on a bigger scale?

Umm fuck no

[–] 2 pts

Not going to happen my friend. These people won't stop until put down. Looks like in a couple months we won't be talking. The dark ages have arrived.

[–] 0 pt

Agree. How will we know where to go?

[–] 0 pt

Why would you think this?

Is it your belief that anyone who was not fooled by Q somehow wants the Bush/Clinton crime cabal to thrive?

[–] 0 pt

When you celebrate the Q loss who won?

I was never stupid enough to think they would get arrested to begin with. Biden, Clinton, Obama, Trump... -They all unite under ZIONISM. When choosing among the AIPAC employees, the question is: Do you want a left-winged jew? Or a right-winged jew?

[–] 0 pt

Only faggots ask for apologies - I'm not surprised. Your tiny hat and nose give it all away, rabbi. Your inability to perform basic logic speaks volumes.

You knew it was a larp? And you did nothing but post online? You knew there was no plan but didn't exercise your 2nd amendment right when your country was stolen? What does that make you? Infinitely more pathetic.

You're as butter-soft as your rhetoric - I could spread you on toast.

Paid israeli student really tried hard but you just got slapped on yer ass, pedo jew. Don't you know who I am, boy? Bow yaw ass at my boot.

@Crensch & I have unfinished business that goes back to Voat 4 years ago. He knows what he must do, but will he do it or be a weak jew?

[–] 0 pt

You were just as big of a faggot on voat - tallest_shill was the only goat to out-faggot you. Stand tall, rabbi - be proud of your idiocy!

[–] 13 pts

One thing you should know is that it’s never over for them. They just move the goal post back a week... discuss wild conspiracy the entire week. Then when nothing happens move the goal post back again. Rinse and repeat indefinitely.

[–] 4 pts

Two more weeks

[–] 2 pts

Remember making fun of Bernie bros in 2016 who kept posting on Reddit about how "Bernie can still win. Here's how." We all laughed. This is the Q base right now. Insane amounts of cope.

Q brothers, we are all here for you. Get your heads out of your ass. Come fight with us at the end of the world. Don't trust the plan. There is no plan, save for God's plan. We're gonna have to get our own hands dirty here.

[–] 2 pts

I mean really. I gave them until tomorrow afternoon in a previous conversation weeks ago, to be generous. But obviously it is fucking over. But they will carry on, its ridiculous.

[–] 8 pts

TheDonald.win right now: “10 Ways Trump and the Military Will Save Us Next Week”

[–] 7 pts (edited )

thedonald.win an absolute cesspool of stupid faggots

i just got banned from there for pointing out that because of trump, beijing biden has the u.s. military at ready to distribute the vaxx.

[–] 5 pts

They're such utter morons. I kept pointing out how dumb it was for him to push this fucking faggot poison "vaccine" through and they were all like "he has to do it for THE OPTICS DURRR".

What fucking optics did it gain him, exactly? None. That's what. Nothing. It gained him nothing, and now he's helpfully set up a military operation to forcibly poison everyone in the country just in time for Pedo Joe to use it.

[–] 4 pts

basically has shaped into a hellish dystopic scenario and they thought they were winning the entire time.

covid was & is a hoax. it needed to be acknowledged as such, not catered to.

now we're fucked.

[–] 2 pts

beijing biden has the u.s. military at ready to distribute the vaxx.

Goddamnit never thought of that.

[–] 0 pt

Memeber when just weeks before he was ousted he signed a law that allows federal executions by hanging and firing squads in states with those methods still in their laws? Purpose being to speed up the process.

Hey you memeber how you are also, as of today, a dometic terrorist in the eyes of this new leader?

[–] 3 pts

Where? All I see is people bashing qtrannies. As God intended, of course.

[–] 0 pt

Give it a few days. They’ll be after another dose of hopium soon.

[–] 3 pts

They're scraping their bowls for resin at this point.

[–] 3 pts

Well, that's why he have to keep bashing them. They are cancer. They have to commit aliven't. Or we're going down with them.

[–] 1 pt

Not even a day. The goofballs are pulling stuff outta their asses left and right. One idiot thinks biden is a clone who took the oath. You can't fix stupid.

[–] 5 pts

I got kicked off Qstorm for questioning The Plan. I didn't realize they like Censorship, I thought only big tech likes Censorship.

[–] 2 pts

They are the worst echo chamber. And I spent hours a day at various Gawker sites 10 years ago.

[–] 1 pt

They censor more than twitter.

[–] 4 pts

Have they started jumping off of bridges yet?

[–] 1 pt

That would imply that they have human legs to jump with.

[–] 0 pt

According to them suicide week is coming

[–] 3 pts

All these shill are cutting of their nose to spite there face...

They are fucking excited that the deep state won just so they can attack other patriots. What a fucking joke. Are they paid shills or just retards? Glow niggers or kikes? They are basically celebrating biden and the jew swamp winning fucking disgusting...

And they call the Q people the traitors..

Ya it didn't work but what was Qs goals? All good..

Now if these fucking idiots think somehow if Q had never existed that things would have gone differently we know exactly how retarded these fucks are

[–] 2 pts

Are they paid shills or just retards?


They thought that this was just a win, like they're watching sports. They don't realize that they just lost everything. White identity will surge in popularity, and blacks/minorities/women will learn just how badly they fucked it all up. Meanwhile, the team that they thought they got a 'win' on is the team that served in the military, loves their country, and has been owning and shooting firearms for generations.

They'll realize their folly when trucks stop delivering to cities, and they're starving to death.

[–] 1 pt

I hope you are right

[–] 2 pts

For Q stuff please use:


[–] 7 pts

Lol, half the site is banned from qstorm

[–] 3 pts

How about /s/QTards instead?

[–] 2 pts

Bro I already said we’re all banned from /S/Qstorm :)

you didn't see the latest Q drop?

Biden and Trump actually switched bodies. it's still Trump in the white house. Biden has been arrested along with the deep state pedos and he is in gitmo right now.

[–] 1 pt

Q is a troll group, you got played

[–] 1 pt

It was controlled opposition to promote inaction -- a trust ruse.

[–] 1 pt


In this video you will see plenty evidence that A) newly adrenal-chrome manufacturing sites have been made SINCE trump 2017 including in GITMO.l!! B) Malena trump is how old and looks that way? How? C) the process for attaining adrenochrome is through cym company. And their paper trail is type writer to avoid hacks digitally D) military bases and parts of the army are being used for adrenochrome manufacturing. (Yes you can still buy it) Trump tower has a outlet for it Trump and w basically just setup a new network. Child gone missing will not stop but will now grow. They just organized the fk out of it.

[–] 1 pt

The sad irony is that Q grew out of the outrage of Pizzagate, and then took over as the official source. Global pedo rings and blackmail is how the world operates, and we got too close to the truth.

[–] 2 pts

Exactly. Secret black market isn’t just about cocaine. It’s much more disgusting. Those involve just so happen to run governments.

[–] 1 pt

Q was psyop to make you believe military options were a setup and not a kick out the queens manufactures to install a new one. Can’t have competition. Not one good arrest. Not 1 pic of a “saved children”. No indictments. 0. You get nothing. Good day sir.

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