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https://nitter.net/ARKloster/status/1348048015819493376 https://nitter.net/PatriciaRader7/status/1348260161526374401

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

In all views where life has a purpose the continued propagation and survival of our species is among that purpose. Meaning to not find actions that are objectively harmful to that end to be "bad" means there is no meaning to our continued existence. Aka nihilism.

And yes. The jews degrading the human gene pool significantly and deliberately does objectively lower our species chances of continued survival. The reasons for which are complex, but not subjective. Intelligence is the overriding survival mechanism. To lower it is to lower survival odds. Objectively.

And so the jews are objectively wrong in all views other than nihilism.

What actions are in place that put the species on the path of annihilation? And how is annihilation of human species necessarily "bad"?

[–] 0 pt

The deliberate destruction of our gene pool. And in all views where a human life has meaning it has that meaning in relation to the prosperity and propagation of our species. Except maybe Buddhism. Which is actually a kind of nihilistic view itself really. The purpose of being here is to let go of here. Thats just another form of nihilism.

I can have a "personally-given subjective" meaning for my life, but from God's point of view our survival and existence is neither good nor bad. I would love to keep on living and propagate the human species, but that's strictly from my own perspective that may be shared with many other people. Shift the perspective, and it becomes impossible to ascribe "good" or "bad" to any of your or my actions. Whether the humans can colonize Mars or destroy everything with nuclear weapons, it's all the same.