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Jan. 15, 2021

"Operation Trust" was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover.

Here's an excerpt on the "Trust" operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn's book, "New Lies for Old":



Jan. 15, 2021 "Operation Trust" was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover. Here's an excerpt on the "Trust" operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn's book, "New Lies for Old": https://www.informationliberation.com/files/3c566321cf987aae.jpg https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62008

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

"was such a bewildering welter (...) that Russian historians from the Intelligence Service had difficulty separating fact from fantasy"

Yeah, that sounds about right.

[–] 0 pt


Q is not just info for us but about info for them to make moves and countermoves.

It is a US Mil op to keep us from killing each other.

I agree with much of it.

Sadly though, too many Alex Jones types, the ones that threw out critical thinking just like that overgrown twat, lap up Q thinking it's the Messiah.

[–] -1 pt

This is what shills WANT you to think, but Q is not a LARP.

[–] 1 pt



[–] 0 pt

I don’t think it’s that either. YOU can think what you want, but I’ve read ALL the drops, and I don’t see it that way.

[–] 0 pt

I think you're a retard and a traitor. Keep scrambling for clues on your israeli scavenger hunt, dumbfuck.

[–] 0 pt

If it's not a larp, why are you being informed about it but told to do nothing? What purpose is it that you should know?

[–] 0 pt

That’s propaganda. I take very seriously the drops the state ‘think for yourself’ and ‘verify for yourself’. Then of course the regular comment “Prepare”.

If I remove all the dates and predictions, you are left with a lot of questions to be answered, and many of the answers can be easily verified through public records, ie property sales, partners etc

I’m grateful to Q for what I have learnt.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

It's propaganda that you're told to do nothing except for 'trust' a plan? Tell me what Q has told you to do to right the problems in the world. Explain to me why it is important for someone to feed YOU SPECIFICALLY insider information about the 'deep state'.

No, you don't owe Q anything about what you've learnt because all of that came from all of us in the truth movement of the last decade. Q just dressed it up to sound more interesting and gave you an IV drip instead of the fire-hose like the rest of us. Q began when we stumbled upon globalist pedo rings (Pizzagate). Q took the mantle as an insider and went from there as a pied-pier, and you fell for it.

[–] 0 pt

Are you still trusting the plan? Is the trap set? Is the Kraken about to release the watermared ballots?

[–] 0 pt

I ‘trust’ very little. I’ve been focussing on verifying, thinking for myself, and preparing. I also know things have been happening, and no shill is going to derail me.