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I mean, look at this censorship happy faggot: https://poal.co/s/QStorm/sublog

I could understand spam being removed, but this list of bans and removals are legitimate posts.

I mean, look at this censorship happy faggot: https://poal.co/s/QStorm/sublog I could understand spam being removed, but this list of bans and removals are legitimate posts.

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 9 pts

It's his fucking sub faggots -- it's not a system/default sub

go find something else to whine about

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

People must have fat fingers that they can't block the Q subs. They just want to whine about Crensch.

[–] 5 pts

can't handle people who disagree with them.

[–] 12 pts

Crensch's tactics are what turned voat into a qtard shitsty where low effort normies all became qtard zombies.

If AOU is smart he'll do something about it.

Even on voat and 8chan mods and board owners got stripped if they were banhappy and banning people over simple disagreements.

The old rule of no raids should still apply if crensch can prove a coordinated raid took place he should ban the raiders but if his sub hit front page and then users got blown out for bad opinions and all the top comments were from front page dwellers he needs to just suck it up and take the hit.

Blocking a sub is a terrible concept it allows disinformation to fester and grow unchallenged.

Qstorm is a disinfo sub which relies on censorship to maintain controll it has over its misinformed users, sounds like reddit to me.

If AOU wont demod him or ban qstorm I understand but he should have a bot that keeps ban data that auto stickies itself weekly showing which sub has had the most bans.

[–] 2 pts

They literally spam upvotes with fake accounts and take over the whole front page. Thats what they did on reddit. Idiot

LOL that's why the majority of people are here to begin with.

[–] 1 pt

Normal people block subs they dont want to pay attention to.....the people who stay subbed and complain about it, do so for ulterior motives.

Much like presidents, any one not under their controlled gets harrassed

[–] 0 pt

How can they attack what they can't see?

[–] [deleted] 21 pts

He is literally a mossad gatekeeper.

[–] 8 pts

A bunch of folks seem to oppose this on principle even though anybody who knows crensch from voat knows why he is a serious problem and failing to address the problem will have negative consequences so I have a selection of compromises I think most people can agree on but it will all be work in the lap of @AOU

The low effort, option, give Crensch a pink name and sitewide tag/title: BAN-HAPPY FAGGOT

The high effort option includes writing up a bot that stickies a list of subs who have made bans over the week and highlights the top listed subs as ban happy faggots and gives all their mods the tag for a week untill the bot runs its check the next week.

I would probably just do the low effort option considering qstorm is really the only problem sub I'm aware of.

[–] 1 pt

How about a Crensh deletions board.

Nothing like the sight of a Streisand Effect in the morning.

Has anyone else seen the sun sink into Crensh's Ass?

[–] 0 pt

This entire comment is faggotry.

[–] 3 pts

He'd just make a new PV on Poal. Kevdude's here on more than one account anyway, so they're already working together here actively.

[–] 0 pt

I noticed s/ProtectPoal was banned about a week ago.

[–] 0 pt

How can a sub be bsnned?

[–] 9 pts (edited )

Remove him from his own sub?

Isn't that akin to forcing allowance of blacks into a privately run and owned country club?

Why not post somewhere else and let him do what he wants?

If you had your own sub would you not want to be treated the same?

Would you let negroes come in on the 'nigger' sub and constantly post rap crap?

Maybe for a time you would because of 'free speech' but eventually you'd get sick of having to 'move the trash' from your front door just to get inside your house.

And then you'd either, eventually, have to forbid the trash or abandon your house.

Is this not correct?

[–] 4 pts

I didn't say ban him, just remove him from being a mod.

[–] 0 pt

what's the difference? assuming the mod positions become available

[–] 0 pt

Thanks, will edit, correct.

[–] 4 pts

Still not correct. I didn't say remove him from the sub he moderates. Remove his ability to silence others.

[–] 1 pt

(((OP))) is a kike actively subverting poal to (((his))) kike wishes.

[–] 1 pt

Everywhere you go....same shit.

[–] 0 pt

i remember once there was this crumbled black guy laying in front of my apt door. I screamed "get the fuck up and have some pride" all he did was roll out of the way and lay there dead. So i called the cops and said can you drag that lump of coal away from my apt door it makes our neighborhood look bad. All they said was we need to send the paramedics to see if he's ok. Ok ok fine but all this is him trying to kill himself because he's a POS so why stop him. I didnt say the last part but I did say my block is infested with drunk bums and it would be nice if they got moved along by the authorities. Not sure why I added this but, oh yeah trash in front of my house.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 8 pts

The thing is, banning seems pretty acceptable on Poal. Go through the site ban log, loads of accounts straight out banned. The culture here is very different to Voats. I doubt the admins will do anything about this, it doesn’t seem contrary to how the site is run. Guess you only get one shitpost in s/Qstorm, so better make it a good one.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

You mean this site ban log?


I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

I don't understand why some here want Poal to fail. We lost Voat. Ruqqus sucks. Everything else is being banned.

I want Poal to succeed.

[–] 5 pts

No this site log


Scroll through, you can see all the bans.


I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

Scroll through, it doesn’t seem that hard to get banned.

I don't understand why some here want Poal to fail. We lost Voat. Ruqqus sucks. Everything else is being banned.

I never said I want Poal to fail, I’m just pointing out that if you fuck around or piss off the admins, you will get banned. This isn’t Voat, and the culture is different.

I want Poal to succeed.

Me too, but there are some differences that should be acknowledged.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Didn't know about those logs. I'll check them later (middle of the night here.)

I'll just note I do see a lot of attacks on @AOU and I don't mean the faggy stuff I saw on Ruqqus. I hope this is all teething problems that will resolve over time.

Because Ruqqus sucks and we need Poal more than ever, especially now with the world the way it is.

Seems many people who just showed up want it to fail. Fuck those people.

I remember a few users at Voat used to piss on Poal. And now Voat has gone. I really don't want Poal to go either.

I used to visit here with my old account and I'm fond of the bear.

[–] 3 pts

On a "free speech" site this shouldn't be an issue. The sub moderator is free to choose whom they associate with, no?

[–] 3 pts

On a "free speech" site this shouldn't be an issue.

Being banned? Depends on your definition of free speech. This is a very old argument that goes back to Voats early days.

The sub moderator is free to choose whom they associate with, no?

That depends on if you believe a sub is a mods private fiefdom or whether it belongs to the users.

[–] 1 pt

It belongs to whom created it, obviously. Why would anything else be the case? If website owners want to allow others to own parts of their platform, then they should be hands off, or don't allow that, or have rules on what owning part of their site entails. I think that the sub owner (posession is 9/10ths law) is free to do whatever the fuck they want, unless the site has rules saying otherwise.

[–] 2 pts

The people banned on poal are basically schizophrenic forum junkies that ruin the atmosphere and just shriek.

I lold when u/theoldones got banned here and I got unbanned on voat after he tried so hard to get me banned for pointing out when he was wrong, the sycophantic spaz wound embarrassing putt by pushing him into an unpopular and unneeded ban wave that caused his builders and the whole user base to flip on him.

[–] 2 pts

I lold when u/theoldones got banned here and I got unbanned on voat after he tried so hard to get me banned for pointing out when he was wrong, the sycophantic spaz wound embarrassing putt by pushing him into an unpopular and unneeded ban wave that caused his builders and the whole user base to flip on him

Lol, I got banned in that ban wave. Theoldones is a massive cuck faggot. His life is probably over without preview voat.

[–] 1 pt

He's rarely on the preview chat and doesn't stay long when he does show up.

[–] 0 pt

Nah. You don't even get one. Sure you can talk about clones, but Aliens, GTFO. XD

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Slippery slope. If you hate him so much that you're willing to sacrifice the integrity of a free speech platform, maybe you should just get over yourself.

I remember Crensch on voat before he turned into a Qfag. Many of his posts directly led me to the JQ. Maybe he sold his account, maybe he went crazy, who knows. Maybe he's right.

I'm not willing to resort to reddit-tier mob rule to spite someone exercising free speech, even if he is being a faggot and banning people who disagree with him (which only hurts his own stance).

If your intention is to argue his points, then do it in a sub where he can't ban you. Crying to teacher hurts your stance.

[–] 3 pts

I didn't say remove his ability to speak, like he would do to others, only to remove his ability to silence others.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Neither did I. I consider taking away someone's sub out of spite a violation of free speech.

You know exactly what would happen as soon as he loses his ban hammer. People will flood his sub with gloat spam. Out of spite.

Let him handle his sub his own way.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

It's not out of spite. People see the posts and disagree with them and go into his sub and post that they disagree and get banned. We can't downvote for fear of being banned, we can't post our disagreements without fear of being banned. Containing our posts where the Q crowd doesn't see our disagreements is useless and gay.

Crensch will also ban people who post in subs he disagrees with. You don't even have to post in his sub.

Free Speech Forum vs Banning people from Free Speech Forum for free speech

Pick one

It's one sub on a forum. Make your own sub to discuss his bullshit.

Let's say you did that.

For whatever reason, Qmers flood the site and decide to piss you off by spamming your sub with pro-Q posts.

Since there is already a dedicated Q sub, you decide this is retarded and start banning the people ruining the sub you made specifically for countering Crensch posts or whatever.

Then all the Qmers take a vote and convince AOU to stop you from banning people coz free speech.

Whose freedom of speech has been pissed on there?

He's just banning people for laughs, doesn't even give a reason. Get real.

[–] 0 pt

I made a sub for that on the other website. Turns out nobody wanted to argue facts, because they couldn't.

[–] 0 pt

This is confusing, you're saying that allowing someone to ban people for any tiny thing they say that they don't agree with is free speech?

Yeah, it's his bakery. If you don't like his rules, don't go there.

Barging in and forcing him to bake your faggot cake is a violation of his free speech. Or something.

[–] 1 pt

You must admit that a discussion forum becomes rather stale when you only allow the opinions you agree with. That's why we all left Reddit, remember?

[–] 2 pts

Sounds like one of the ban faggots from voat who got kicked.

[–] 1 pt

It is, but that was how a few subs were and on Voat it was understood that some people are faggots who set up their own subs and then go ban and censor happy. Most people just avoided them. Notable examples were the Q subs and FPH, but here were others. Why someone cares that the are faggot mods with their own subs on Poal, too, I don't understand.

[–] 2 pts

I banned every Qsub i found when VOAT was still alive and i'm doing the same here so i never even notice that faggot.

And get banned for downvoting??? Nice try!

This, but AOU. That nigger fucks with too much shit for this site to feel like voat

[–] 2 pts (edited )

My opinion on him is that he has too much personality attached to his handle as admin. Turned me off from 8chan, turned me off from kiwifarms, turns me off about Gab.

Just my opinion. If I were admin, I would be a hidden figure. One account for administration, another account for posting and commenting, there would be no personality behind the moderation, simply interpretation of the rules.

[–] 0 pt

That is definitely how admins should behave. Apart from Atko and Putt, I can't think of many that are mostly hands off, though. And one can make other complaints about them (some fair, some not).

Like him but like nigga im tryna post what I post where I post i dont need him micromanaging

[–] 1 pt

Did you forget to switch accounts?

Nah it was just an afterthought and I didn't want to edit

[–] 1 pt

Crensch is a power tripping government agent. Also he is a fucking faggot

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