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Seriously, if you guys want to do something. If you really, really want to do something. Then you have to organize. Do what ANTIFA does; get on an encrypted chat site to cover your asses. Don't 'trust the plan,' that is horse shit. Stop living in a fantasy land, and take fucking action. Hypothetically, I have a great address you can start with: 190 Marietta St NW Ste 1, Atlanta, GA 30303.

I said this in an earlier post. Revolutions are not won by pacifist, lazy, cunts. And for that matter, nor are civil wars. Wars are won with blood and action. So prep your shit up, stop waiting for dumbass 'Q drops,' and do what needs to be done. You have many allies, and we have the numbers. All that needs to be done is the organization of our people.

If you think I'm a glow nigger, that's fine. Look at my history, and you'll find I'm not. I migrated from Voat, where I shit posted for almost 4 years. Don't wait till January 21st, and don't think things are going to miraculously change. They won't. If you wait and find out this is all bullshit, (which it is), you are going to feel more mentally retarded than us outsiders already view you. end of rant

Seriously, if you guys want to do something. If you really, really want to do something. Then you have to organize. Do what ANTIFA does; get on an encrypted chat site to cover your asses. Don't 'trust the plan,' that is horse shit. Stop living in a fantasy land, and take fucking action. Hypothetically, I have a great address you can start with: 190 Marietta St NW Ste 1, Atlanta, GA 30303. I said this in an earlier post. Revolutions are not won by pacifist, lazy, cunts. And for that matter, nor are civil wars. Wars are won with blood and action. So prep your shit up, stop waiting for dumbass 'Q drops,' and do what needs to be done. You have many allies, and we have the numbers. All that needs to be done is the organization of our people. If you think I'm a glow nigger, that's fine. Look at my history, and you'll find I'm not. I migrated from Voat, where I shit posted for almost 4 years. Don't wait till January 21st, and don't think things are going to miraculously change. They won't. If you wait and find out this is all bullshit, (which it is), you are going to feel more mentally retarded than us outsiders already view you. *end of rant*

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts (edited )

That's the best part about Q: it's so ambiguous that it's impossible to take action. Reading the 'drops' you can never quite understand what the target is or why. All Q does is give you just a glips of truth wrapped in noise.

It's a perfect nullifying force against the desire for actionable change.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Another thing that appealed to Boomers and GenXers was the use of cryptic language and puzzle like play under the guise of being dangerous correspondence else Q would be found out. Like you had to solve a puzzle and it's a real life spy adventure. Played right into the cereal box decoder, James Bond movie consuming, Cold War spy story loving era people. It's a brilliantly crafted psyop, really. It's actually the first psyop I've witnessed in my lifetime, I'm sure there have been others, don't get me wrong. They neutralized and are still neutralizing ignorant conservatives still hoping that Q's plans will come to fruition.

And other thing is that Q, from my understanding, mostly avoided talking about jews and what part they might be playing in all of this. That right there in and of itself speaks volumes. But then again, Qs intended audience isn't awake to the JQ so there's no way they would needlessly lead the fools following Q to that trough lest some of them start drinking from it accidentally.

Thing I saw the last thing Q said was that it would be their last post, basically said "I've done my job and woke everyone up." It a conciliatory statement. Like saying "good game, at least you made it was close" to the losing party after a match. Q fleeced them of their energy and gave them really nothing but false hope and no plan of action. It woke literally nobody up. Everyone who followed Q already knew the stuff he was preaching, this op froze them really effectively.

[–] 0 pt

Q is a Boomer spy puzzle larp

Hahaha!! It's so true but so sad. Q could have so easily became the new JQ, but it was subverted from the very beginning. I still think that Q may have been real for the first few weeks.

We are however at the precipice to be able to red-pill large swaths of boomers on the JQ once the larp has run its course. The betrayed will be desparately searching for the truth as to why they were taken advantaged of and by whom. There will however still be a sizeable portion that follows Q, but its ideas will have to accelerate into complete absurdity to maintain.

[–] 1 pt

Read what I just posted we starting Q 2.0

[–] 1 pt

Cool, but call it the JQ, that way the movement can be legitimized by hundreds of years of history.

[–] 2 pts

This guy gets it.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Maybe that is their goal.

Hate to think otherwise.

[–] 2 pts

What sort of action do you contribute?

I think trying to organize in the world we live in is a trap.

We are online to be anonymous. Stay anonymous, go and perform your acts as a lone wolf. Do not speak of your deeds. When you see others in the wild just like you, create a pact.

Pick a codename you may need it one day. Have a burner number on the ready.

[–] 2 pts

That was why I just gave you guys a fucking recommendation to use encrypted chat sites to achieve your goals. Poal is an open source website. ANTIFA gets shit done, but Q has done nothing, absolutely nothing.

If I saw that Q believers were going to take action, then honestly, I would join them. But listening to anonymous posts from some clown that rarely come true; is pure nonsense.

To address your apprehension to organization, I just told you what you could do to prevent any trouble for yourself. I am trying to help you. You need specialists to fight a war. You need intelligence. You need to install people with your political lean into positions of power so you can help those with the same political lean get out of trouble when needed.

[–] 2 pts

Lol yea right. All talk. No action. Hopium only.

[–] 1 pt

you forgot one of the earliest parts of Q

Optics matter, you can't just round up a possy and go shooting libtards...

[–] 1 pt

To all these faggots saying Q is a larp and fake..

Ok it is a fucking larp and it's fake.

So now let's make some thing just kike Q that is out in the open and real and has the same fucking core goals..

End pedophilia and child trafficking

Drain the swamp arrest soros and the Clinton Bush crime families

Let's add some good ones

End all foreign aid

Bring all our troops back and shut down our bases

Out law circumcision

Mandatory ID with voting

Paper ballots with a way to audit them

No more forgient worker visas at all until our unemployment is under 1.5% or aome good bench mark

Audit the federal reserve

Investigate any group that has to high of a % of power compared to their make up in the country. If Asians have 3 supreme court justices we need to look at how a small minority got such power.

Ok I'm sure we got more about 20 core things we need to get done

I'd make all drugs legal and end port too

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I agree with all of this. However, I believe the time for discussing solutions may be past the point of return. The system has become so corrupted, so diluted, that there isn't any repercussions that we can legally take.

We have come as far as ransacking Congress. Whether or not it was all patriot types, is neither here nor there. I believe all the details you listed above should be looked into. There is evidence suggesting much of it is true. So where do we go when all of our establishment institutions tell you that you are crazy for believing these theories? The courts won't hear us, the media won't hear us, and the tech companies censor us. We join together and form something new, even bigger than before.

Then we strike back. We topple their institutions. We vandalize their buildings. We burn down their fucking institutions. Then we make them our own. We abide by the Constitution in recreating our institutions. We add protections to the Constitution to prevent this from ever happening again. But we gotta start with communication and cooperation. That is where it begins.

[–] 1 pt

So spot on. You can just tell Q has a flat hierarchy - no one knows shit and even the most compelling posters end up being duped in the comments by people pretending to add to the story

What it ends up being is people just pitching little ideas about Q drops, and every so often one of them resonates with people's subconscious psyches enough to get up voted

It's like playing a ouiji board tbh. You end up with cryptic and seemingly meaningful messages but you realize it was people just trying to create something

It'd be entertaining if it weren't so fucking overdone

[–] 0 pt

It's like a rumor that becomes more disengaged from the truth as it spreads. It is a cancer.

I on the bequest of a friend, closer to X friend now what I seen, went to that creepy The Great Awakening site. O my facking god. It’s completely a Q circle jerk. All speculation, no links,, a lot of “a friend heard shit”. I mean it sad, it’s like many need to be deprogrammed. I truly believe some people are brainwashed.

[–] 0 pt

What you fail to realize is Q's like you just have to believe. Like a crazy snake handelin born again christian speaking in toungs, high on jesus and probably drunk as well. You need that greasy ear to ear grin and the crazy gleeming eyes. The kind when you see em you dont know weather you should walk away or run away. Thats the fervent faithful kind of spirit you need to be a true trust the planner. In the spirit of q we gather in a circle present our right hand into the circle connecting all our decoder rings in unity, in that moment time travel becomes possible we can see future and past everything becomes letters n numbers no coincidences , 0 deltas, future becomes past, ho did i mention the the q map is really a sheet of acid yeah it all makes sense now we are all one where ever we go wwg1wga self induced mkultra time teleporting 5d chess warriors of god the 21st century order of the knights templars. Wiggitiwack1