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The measure or sanity and viability of any worldview or movement is how well it predicts future outcomes with claims that are falsifiable. In other words, it must make predictions which could reasonably be wrong, but turn out true, consistently and reliably.

That's how we can tell the difference between true knowledge and unreliable guesswork, or complete nonsense.

Q, in particular, promises insights and predictions that are hidden from others. Its followers claim to be "in on" top secret goings-on and plans at highest levels of government. Okay. If you really believe that, then put your money where your mouth is:

Make one single and specific claim, about any event or outcome which will occur within the next 2 months, which Q skeptics or critics would not expect or doubt would be possible, but you - being a Q follower - know to be certain and true without a doubt.

Some possible examples:

  • Biden will not be inaugurated on Jan 20th
  • Trump will remain in power as leader of US after Jan 20th
  • Pelosi will be arrested within the next 2 months
  • Trump will use the military to [insert something] no later than [insert date]

You can take any of these, modify them however you like, come up with your own, whatever. I'm not sure what your prophets are predicting these days.

It just has to be specific, and it must clearly evaluate to "True" or "False" within about 2 months or so. But it should be something the rest of us, unbelieving heretics that we are, would find unusual, unbelievable, or at least surprising. And you should be so completely certain about it that you would bet all your beliefs on it.

Or do you not really believe in it, after all? Do you already know, deep down, that it's all just play-pretend?

The measure or sanity and viability of any worldview or movement is how well it predicts future outcomes with claims that are falsifiable. In other words, it must make predictions which **could** reasonably be wrong, but turn out true, consistently and reliably. That's how we can tell the difference between true knowledge and unreliable guesswork, or complete nonsense. Q, in particular, promises insights and predictions that are hidden from others. Its followers claim to be "in on" top secret goings-on and plans at highest levels of government. Okay. If you really believe that, then put your money where your mouth is: Make one single and specific claim, about any event or outcome which will occur within the next 2 months, which Q skeptics or critics would not expect or doubt would be possible, but you - being a Q follower - know to be certain and true without a doubt. Some possible examples: - Biden will not be inaugurated on Jan 20th - Trump will remain in power as leader of US after Jan 20th - Pelosi will be arrested within the next 2 months - Trump will use the military to [insert something] no later than [insert date] You can take any of these, modify them however you like, come up with your own, whatever. I'm not sure what your prophets are predicting these days. It just has to be specific, and it must clearly evaluate to "True" or "False" within about 2 months or so. But it should be something the rest of us, unbelieving heretics that we are, would find unusual, unbelievable, or at least surprising. And you should be so completely certain about it that you would bet all your beliefs on it. Or do you not really believe in it, after all? Do you already know, deep down, that it's all just play-pretend?

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

So only the high priest and his chosen prophets know what is true and what isn't. And any time anything they said turns out to be completely wrong, that was clearly done on purpose. As part of a secret plan. One that you don't and cannot understand. But you must continue to believe in it, without question. And spend your time obsessing over what it might be. Without ever truly participating or being part of anything.

Your place is not to know. Your place is not to do. Your place is not to have a say.

Your place is only to believe and to observe and to obey. And that makes you special.


[–] 0 pt

re "But you must continue to believe in it" That is the question - what is "IT" that you must believe? Who gets to proclaim themselves the high priest of "IT" and based on what authority?

Reminds me that I tried to read the prophecies of nostradamus and it might as well have just said "GIGAWAGAGAGA"

[–] 0 pt

I really don't know. I have a hard time putting myself in a mindset to follow their way of thinking. Believing such things is very alien to me.

I can only recognize the pattern of behaviors and dogmas. It's the same as all the other cults that have captured flocks of followers. All throughout history, on every side of every conflict, whether it's Left or Right or anything else... hordes of rabid believers everywhere.

You can't fix them, either. Best thing you can hope to achieve is creating and spreading an even more compelling belief system, which happens to actually be good for them, and getting as many of them to convert as possible. Otherwise they'll keep falling for all the self-destructive belief systems that psychopaths spread to exploit them.

[–] 0 pt

Remember the truth and the basis for your beliefs. The generation coming up in high school the next 4 years are going to be indoctrinated into socialism. They won't hear about Q and they don't need to. They need to hear about the failure of socialism/communism in every country that went down that path