Q came out right in the middle-end of Pizzagate, right when the /pol/acks of the time were going boots on the ground gathering evidence and digging deep into Human Trafficking, especially child trafficking and the Media was forced to pick up on it, if only to decry it.
Q didn't give impetus to the work being done, Q distracted from it to provide copium and trick idiots into thinking they didn't have to do anything.
Fuck you for trying to rewrite the narrative. I was part of the threads on 8chan /pol/ and the mods and jannies were going nuts trying to shut it down like the kikes they were. We always got a few pedo freaks posting their demented trophies of their demonic perversions, taunting us or threatening us.
Q didn't start until the Media tried to get a hold of the unbridled and righteous autism of the brave and unhinged /pol/acks that putting their lives on the line to ACTUALLY deal with the issue only to be threatened or disappeared by the feds and their pet cartels.
Q was a controlled opposition psy-op that was made to drown the idea and actual proof of pedos in government and other high places in retarded theories that basically amounted to "Don't do anything, the Good Guys(tm) are totally in control!"
You talk as if Q somehow stopped autists from doing what they were doing anyhow.
If I’m following you correctly, it sounds like as soon as Q came out, all the autists’ keyboards magically stopped working.
Interesting theory.
Whether or not Q was bullshit, it definitely opened my eyes to the stuff going on that I didn’t know about previously. And not just me, but thousands or maybe even millions of others.
Psyop or not, spreading awareness of the issues is definitely a good thing.
As for “taking action”, I do what I know to do. I tell people about the corruption and the trafficking every chance I get, and my tithe goes straight to a ministry that basically does exactly what Tim Ballard does. I’ve been giving my money to that outfit for years now. I’ve given them tens of thousands of dollars at least. Q hasn’t “stopped me” from doing anything. So I really don’t know what you’re talking about.
I don’t know what you do exactly, but don’t talk to me like I’m not doing my part. Short of joining homeland security or doing something illegal, I’m doing what I can. What about you?
You talk as if Q somehow stopped autists from doing what they were doing anyhow.
If I’m following you correctly, it sounds like as soon as Q came out, all the autists’ keyboards magically stopped working.
Interesting theory.
That's not what I meant and you know it. Quit trying to twist what I'm saying.
Q was made to flood the airwaves with bullshit or the weakest shit they could find in order to discredit any claims that the chans had evidence for. As for Epstein, he was already getting too hot to be of use much longer so it's no surprise that they sacrificed him. Just like how Maxwell is now.
All the while, Q was selling civic nationalist copium and vague mystical bollocks to people, all the while saying "Stand aside, the White Hats are in control, we're just letting the Deep State commit more atrocities so we have more evidence despite all the evidence we should have."
But hey, if Q somehow actually pulls through and whatever operation is supposedly goes off and whatever nebulous goals are in place that are supposedly in the interests of normal people and will take down the global jew network without the nukes going off and kills Globalism and child exploitation, I'll gladly admit I was wrong. But I've no interest in long cons, especially when it seems to similar to the commie psy op "Operation Trust."
And that ^ ladies and gents, is what a a healthy discussion/debate looks like.
So here’s the thing. Q very well may have been a psyop designed to do exactly what you described.
I’m not necessarily arguing against that. In fact, that has nothing to do with my original post.
Whether or not it was a psyop, I’m saying the person or persons behind it seemed to have knowledge of some events beforehand.
As a side note, I’d also say that it did bring public consciousness to many important issues, one being child trafficking. That stands whether it was a psyop, a shill, or the real thing.
No, Q and "Trust The Plan" is Nothing Like OPERATION Trust (stillnessinthestorm.com)
Q was a controlled opposition psy-op that was made to drown the idea and actual proof of pedos in government and other high places in retarded theories that basically amounted to "Don't do anything, the Good Guys(tm) are totally in control!"
Q put out a lot of posts focused on Jeffrey Epstein, Waxner, the island, blackmailing politicians and people of importance, symbolism, and that rabbit hole. That was just one of hundreds of subjects Q detailed.
made to drown the idea and actual proof of pedos in government and other high places
Have you ever studied the drops? You sound like you haven't even read them.
Q is/was a jewish (((psyop))) where they created a bogeyman for the left to use as a weapon against the right. The Dunning-Kruger affected right-wingers who thought they were enlightened took the bait because the bogeyman was made up of all the things that the right despises, e.g. child trafficking and exploitation. (((Q))) attracted these people in droves and they became visible because those same useful idiots demanded to be visible. Remember when you all were publicly calling for Q to be discussed on the (((MSM))) so you could get the word out?. Well you got that, but it was 180 degrees spun around to be a conspiracy theory cult which gave fuel to the leftard fire. You fell for it and now we have J6 and (((Trump))) indictments. It worked perfectly for them.
Q put out a lot of posts focused on Jeffrey Epstein, Waxner, the island, blackmailing politicians and people of importance, symbolism, and that rabbit hole. That was just one of hundreds of subjects Q detailed.
Q is jews. jews like to talk about the evil things they get away with because no one will touch them. They talked about Epstein, Wexner, Maxwell, etc. because they needed to make the right side look like cultish conspiracy morons while also boasting about what they do to kids and young women. It wasn't symbolism. It was plain old in your face bragging about being above all law. They used Epstein and his (((death))) to make the right foam at the mouth. It worked and now the entire left sees you as raving lunatics and (((Trump))) as the cause of your delusion. They went after (((Trump))) to discredit all of your claims, theories, evidence and proof. That's why they shouted down "Sound of Freedom" even though they let it into their (((theaters))). Didn't you notice that? They let it in their jew owned and controlled theaters. Why would they do that if it didn't benefit their agenda?
made to drown the idea and actual proof of pedos in government and other high places
pedos are fucking heroes to the leftards now so they won't gasp in horror over the things pedos do. They are openly sexualizing kids in the streets, in libraries and in other (((pride))) events. The left thinks this is 1000% fine and to be against it is hateful and (((Trump))) level stupid. The more you push against them, the more you cement the left's brainwashing. It was all by design and Q was the crux of the jewish trick. You ate it up and now you are so infected with jew programming that you double and triple down on it instead of waking up to reality. You are just as bad as the leftards because you want to ignore what is actually going on and live in the safe space you created around the Q (((psyop))). Qtards were the perfect shabbos goyim for the jews. Thanks a lot for helping the fucking jews seal the fucking deal on our fate. Qtards are traitors in my opinion. I will treat them as such.
Have you ever studied the drops? You sound like you haven't even read them.
I've read the drops. It's easy to see it was jews right from the start. It was all lies and gloating about the jewish power over us. Studying the drops is like studying the script of Star Wars, it has no value in the real world because it's just an elaborate story used to shape your mind. It obviously worked because it programmed you Qtards exceptionally well. You live by the drops as if they are the gospel of God when in reality it is the scripture of satan and his jew minions. The devil always lies and jews follow his lead. You helped them. That will not be forgiven or forgotten.
I totally disagree with you about Q Morbo, but you have known that since our first "debate" and a few since. That's okay, you can have your own immoveable opinion and disbelief while I have my own opinions. I really don't care anymore, in the big picture it doesn't matter. Either Q proves true in the end or it doesn't. Right now, "the plan" written almost 6 years ago is visibly coming together step by step. Other than Q, I feel we have very similar beliefs and opinions ... and ultimately want the same outcome where the world is rid of this (((evil))) afflicting it.
(post is archived)