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Part 1: Introduction, Saudi Arabia, The Muslim Brotherhood and Pakistan

By Robert Patrick Lewis

*thank you to Twitter user @Thorlock1248 for creating the graphic for this article

Let’s talk about some harsh realities for a moment.

If someone told you five years ago that there was an elite network of wealthy pedophiles flying each other to secluded islands for orgies with underage children, you would have called them crazy.

But plenty of people did tell you (see: Conspiracy of Silence Documentary), and Jeffrey Epstein proved it to be true.

While Epstein’s reporting was quickly dropped from the media, let’s go through some of the particulars, shall we?

Epstein had been arrested before for having sex with underage girls, and while he was supposed to be in jail, he was instead on a daily release from the Palm Beach Police Department Enormously deep-pocketed backers quickly brought a court action to seal the case records and block the public from finding out which rich & powerful friends joined him in these despicable crimes Google erased all pictures of Bill Clinton & Epstein together within hours of his arrest – but thankfully many were smart enough to save & archive offline before Google began acting like the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s 1984 When it looked like justice was finally going to be served, every single failsafe in a long list of them failed, and he died in one of the most highly-monitored prison cells in the nation – with no video evidence or direct testimony to explain how it happened, which should be statistically close to impossible to happen organically All of this has already completely dropped from the news cycle, with nigh an explanation for any of it. Ghislaine Maxwell, who is friends with CNN head Jeff Zucker’s wife and is alleged to have been the one to procure underage girls for Epstein, still walks free and the media does not see it as important to ask her about any of it or dig for any answers In his three years in office at the time of this article being written, President Trump has significantly targeted, broken up and jailed more sex traffickers & large online pedophile networks than any previous administration. The media chooses not to mention it, but that tells us there are far more of these scumbags out there than anyone previously realized. More on that, later. Although this article isn’t about Epstein directly, it is about a group who warned us to watch him very closely several years before the media chose to mention anything about him. The same group revealed much more about his despicable actions than the media ever did, and by proxy Epstein will be one of many elements of this story that we will cover.

So let’s continue.

If someone had told you five years ago that US politicians had also been involved in pedophilia, you would have slapped them with the same “conspiracy theorist” label that is often used to discredit lines of thought which lie outside of the talking points of the “credible media.”

But we should remember that former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was jailed and referred to by the judge as a “serial pedophile” for his disgusting actions (again, see Conspiracy of Silence Documentary), Congressman Barney Frank was caught running an underage male prostitution ring in DC, Senator Menedez was caught in the Dominican Republic with underage male prostitutes, the NXVIM trial showed us their many links to the DNC and politicians, including former 2020 Presidential candidate Kristen Gillibrand’s father having been a NXIVM member and former lobbyist as well as Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton (HRC) and Chuck Schumer’s involvement with the lurid group of sexual deviants and political powerhouses.

If someone had told you the mainstream media (MSM) would take crimes of collusion and election interference perpetrated by a major political party (the Democrats) and project them against their political rivals, along with multiple other accusations, with zero evidence, and take those claims against a President of the United States of America and string them into a 2-year, $40 million investigation which came up with absolutely nothing, yet the media did their damndest to pretend it meant something and never enacted a mea culpa, instead choosing to hop from one quickly-debunked hoax to another, you’d call them crazy.

But that’s exactly what has been happening since President Trump was elected in 2016.

If someone had told you the Clarence Thomas fiasco would happen again the very next time a conservative judge was nominated to the Supreme Court, again with uncorroborated claims (with Dr. Ford this time actually seeing her claims negated by multiple eyewitnesses and people who knew her), when people who were alive during the Thomas hearings still remembered the pain it caused the country, with dark-money leftist groups like Arabella, useful idiot celebrities like Alysa Milano, a compliant media and politicians preparing to run for President all fanning the flames and destroying any credibility left in our institutions, you would call them crazy.

But we all watched it happen to Justice Kavanaugh.

If someone had told you that the Enron-linked prosecution of Arthur Anderson was a complete scam, and their tens of thousands of employees and shareholders would be left out in the cold for nothing more than an overzealous federal prosecutor using severe prosecutorial overreach, and then that same prosecutor, rather than being disbarred, would do the same exact thing to a retired 3-star General war hero and members of a new President’s transition team, you’d call them crazy.

But that’s exactly what Andrew Weissman did in the Arthur Anderson, General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Concord Management (supposed Russian troll farms that Mueller couldn’t prove hacked the DNC or had any connections to the Russian government, with the judge exclaiming the Mueller claims were “untethered to reality”) and George Papadopolous cases. The Arthur Anderson case was even overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court, and Sydney Powell wrote a best-selling book about it, yet nothing – not a single punishment – was given to Weissman.

If someone had told you that the leadership of America’s intelligence agencies would collude with FVEY foreign spy services to spy on, attempt to entrap and frame a candidate and then incoming President of the United States with lies created out of whole cloth, you would call them crazy.

But it’s exactly what we’ve seen over the past several years, despite the “credible media’s” lack of desire to investigate or report on the shameful actions of those perpetrators of SpyGate.

So, if there are all of these things happening in our current world that would have been completely unbelievable and labeled “conspiracy theories” just a few years ago, do you think there’s a chance that something else is going on that perhaps you didn’t know about?

Perhaps even something that the media is trying their hardest to draw your attention away from?

Part 1: Introduction, Saudi Arabia, The Muslim Brotherhood and Pakistan By Robert Patrick Lewis *thank you to Twitter user @Thorlock1248 for creating the graphic for this article Let’s talk about some harsh realities for a moment. If someone told you five years ago that there was an elite network of wealthy pedophiles flying each other to secluded islands for orgies with underage children, you would have called them crazy. But plenty of people did tell you (see: Conspiracy of Silence Documentary), and Jeffrey Epstein proved it to be true. While Epstein’s reporting was quickly dropped from the media, let’s go through some of the particulars, shall we? Epstein had been arrested before for having sex with underage girls, and while he was supposed to be in jail, he was instead on a daily release from the Palm Beach Police Department Enormously deep-pocketed backers quickly brought a court action to seal the case records and block the public from finding out which rich & powerful friends joined him in these despicable crimes Google erased all pictures of Bill Clinton & Epstein together within hours of his arrest – but thankfully many were smart enough to save & archive offline before Google began acting like the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s 1984 When it looked like justice was finally going to be served, every single failsafe in a long list of them failed, and he died in one of the most highly-monitored prison cells in the nation – with no video evidence or direct testimony to explain how it happened, which should be statistically close to impossible to happen organically All of this has already completely dropped from the news cycle, with nigh an explanation for any of it. Ghislaine Maxwell, who is friends with CNN head Jeff Zucker’s wife and is alleged to have been the one to procure underage girls for Epstein, still walks free and the media does not see it as important to ask her about any of it or dig for any answers In his three years in office at the time of this article being written, President Trump has significantly targeted, broken up and jailed more sex traffickers & large online pedophile networks than any previous administration. The media chooses not to mention it, but that tells us there are far more of these scumbags out there than anyone previously realized. More on that, later. Although this article isn’t about Epstein directly, it is about a group who warned us to watch him very closely several years before the media chose to mention anything about him. The same group revealed much more about his despicable actions than the media ever did, and by proxy Epstein will be one of many elements of this story that we will cover. So let’s continue. If someone had told you five years ago that US politicians had also been involved in pedophilia, you would have slapped them with the same “conspiracy theorist” label that is often used to discredit lines of thought which lie outside of the talking points of the “credible media.” But we should remember that former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was jailed and referred to by the judge as a “serial pedophile” for his disgusting actions (again, see Conspiracy of Silence Documentary), Congressman Barney Frank was caught running an underage male prostitution ring in DC, Senator Menedez was caught in the Dominican Republic with underage male prostitutes, the NXVIM trial showed us their many links to the DNC and politicians, including former 2020 Presidential candidate Kristen Gillibrand’s father having been a NXIVM member and former lobbyist as well as Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton (HRC) and Chuck Schumer’s involvement with the lurid group of sexual deviants and political powerhouses. If someone had told you the mainstream media (MSM) would take crimes of collusion and election interference perpetrated by a major political party (the Democrats) and project them against their political rivals, along with multiple other accusations, with zero evidence, and take those claims against a President of the United States of America and string them into a 2-year, $40 million investigation which came up with absolutely nothing, yet the media did their damndest to pretend it meant something and never enacted a mea culpa, instead choosing to hop from one quickly-debunked hoax to another, you’d call them crazy. But that’s exactly what has been happening since President Trump was elected in 2016. If someone had told you the Clarence Thomas fiasco would happen again the very next time a conservative judge was nominated to the Supreme Court, again with uncorroborated claims (with Dr. Ford this time actually seeing her claims negated by multiple eyewitnesses and people who knew her), when people who were alive during the Thomas hearings still remembered the pain it caused the country, with dark-money leftist groups like Arabella, useful idiot celebrities like Alysa Milano, a compliant media and politicians preparing to run for President all fanning the flames and destroying any credibility left in our institutions, you would call them crazy. But we all watched it happen to Justice Kavanaugh. If someone had told you that the Enron-linked prosecution of Arthur Anderson was a complete scam, and their tens of thousands of employees and shareholders would be left out in the cold for nothing more than an overzealous federal prosecutor using severe prosecutorial overreach, and then that same prosecutor, rather than being disbarred, would do the same exact thing to a retired 3-star General war hero and members of a new President’s transition team, you’d call them crazy. But that’s exactly what Andrew Weissman did in the Arthur Anderson, General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Concord Management (supposed Russian troll farms that Mueller couldn’t prove hacked the DNC or had any connections to the Russian government, with the judge exclaiming the Mueller claims were “untethered to reality”) and George Papadopolous cases. The Arthur Anderson case was even overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court, and Sydney Powell wrote a best-selling book about it, yet nothing – not a single punishment – was given to Weissman. If someone had told you that the leadership of America’s intelligence agencies would collude with FVEY foreign spy services to spy on, attempt to entrap and frame a candidate and then incoming President of the United States with lies created out of whole cloth, you would call them crazy. But it’s exactly what we’ve seen over the past several years, despite the “credible media’s” lack of desire to investigate or report on the shameful actions of those perpetrators of SpyGate. So, if there are all of these things happening in our current world that would have been completely unbelievable and labeled “conspiracy theories” just a few years ago, do you think there’s a chance that something else is going on that perhaps you didn’t know about? Perhaps even something that the media is trying their hardest to draw your attention away from?

(post is archived)