What a load of pseudo-science fear porn bullshit. What will be your excuse for when nothing happens to people after watching this movie? Probably the same excuse as to why 5G hasn't been killing people in droves like you smooth-brained and gullible fear porn addicts have been claiming would happen. It's been years now and you can't prove a single death has been caused by 5G. Learn some physics and stop being so afraid of things you don't understand.
Yea - i might have considered giving it the time of day - if they had included a thorough complete forensic analysis of this mysterious embedded 'sonic weapon' sound track. How long are the durations, what time stamps do they occur at, what actual frequency, what do the 2 other audio files do, have they rerquested comment from the movie production team bla bla bla - instead we are given 'heres what scary sonic weapons could potentially do'.
Plot twist - 4 audio files for super surround 3d imax sound systems.
First off, you're quite the accuser here when you don't even know me. What on earth makes me a "fear porn" addict? Have you read any of my posts? Is this how you respond to people sharing information about potentially harmful/dangerous weapons? Is this how you responded to all the people shedding light on all the bioweapon dangers in the clot shots too? Are all those whistleblowers "fear porn" pushers?
I had just learned about this information from this podcast and thought it was valuable to pass it on to warn others. It's not my research, as I clearly stated - it's the Mitchells' discovery. And they specifically asked for research help to try and find out what the possible dangers are about this. They even said that they don't know - they just have hypotheses about what it might be doing and asked if anyone who's got the right skill sets/background could please help them figure it out.
First off, you're quite the accuser here when you don't even know me. What on earth makes me a "fear porn" addict?
Is this how you respond to people sharing information about potentially harmful/dangerous weapons?
You just answered your own question.
I had just learned about this information from this podcast and thought it was valuable to pass it on to warn others. It's not my research, as I clearly stated - it's the Mitchells' discovery. And they specifically asked for research help to try and find out what the possible dangers are about this. They even said that they don't know - they just have hypotheses about what it might be doing and asked if anyone who's got the right skill sets/background could please help them figure it out.
That right there is the very definition of (((fear porn))). They don't know yet they assume it is dangerous and being used as a weapon. You believe that too because some random people with a podcast told you something you want to be true. This makes you a fear porn addict. You like the dopamine rush of being afraid.
So, where have you been these last few months, Mr. Sleeper account? People notice these things...
No, it is more that you admit you dont know - and because of that have instead gone right off into the deep end of 'omg sonic frequency weapons guys, who else is with me?'. It's frankly ridiculous. Reminds me of a security fence around the Whitehouse that became 'white hats have imprisoned biden and his administration' and temporary seating outside is now suddenly 'reeeeee, they're building a gallows, it's legit habbening !'.
You have zero credibility bc your continual fear porn what if's of q-uacky that have amounted to 5 years of big fat nothing burgers.
- This RedPillQ17 account is just a few days shy of being 3 years old.
- While this account was active, it made 151 posts and 732 comments exclusively in this /s/QStorm sub with it all being related to material like this.
- This account went completely dormant 6-7 months ago, but it has now been reactivated and brought out of dormancy to once again post in this same sub with more of the same copy>paste drivel as before.
This account went completely dormant 6-7 months ago, but it has now been reactivated and brought out of dormancy to once again post in this same sub with more of the same copy>paste drivel as before.
Indeed. Sleepers gonna wake when needed.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi3WBwR8yeo&pp=ygUhc29uaWMgd2VhcG9uIHVsdHJhIGhpZ2ggZnJlcXVlbmN5 here's an example of this type of weapon made in a home workshop with stupid crap from from home depot. That's the problem with you folks that think you are smarter than everyone else.
here's an example of this type of weapon made in a home workshop with stupid crap from from home depot. That's the problem with you folks that think you are smarter than everyone else.
I am familiar with this device and the people who made it. It is NOT an infrasonic weapon as the (((OP))) was describing. This is the opposite and it doesn't work the same way. And yes, I am smarter than these Qtards who post this because I work(ed) in this field and know what it takes to reproduce infrasonic frequencies IRL and no movie theater has that capability.
Why are you willing to trust (((OP's))) sources as being highly knowledgeable and accurate? What makes them credible? Would you think higher of me if I hada podcast too?
Um, that is a literally a LRAD - they tell you in the description (long range acoustic device) which is a specialized loudspeaker that produces sound at high power for communicating at distance - also can be utilized as a crowd control device (if high enough decibel capacity).
Like calling a simple pip whistle a sound device weapon.
(post is archived)