Unfortunately Q was working for the otherside
I'm not at all convinced of that. I do wonder what those 3 years of Q could have been like without the (((purposeful distraction))) from all of the grifters who jumped into the fray clouding the real info with their (((gematria))) and so much other total bullshit. I'm convinced Flynn was a part of developing the core Q.psyop, an eye-opening researcher "bootcamp" for civilian truth seekers. The dramatic reaction from (((MSM))), why hundreds of disparaging articles all about a larp? I still dont think it it was a (((psyop))), it laid bare too much of (((their))) evil ways that they certainly would not want the goyem to know. I think it was a )))psyop((( to help us see through their many (((deceptions))), and that is exactly how (((they))) reacted to Q. Flynn's "new" message here is a reiteration of his messages over the past year; don't be politically passive, be politically active, fight/resist the oppression where ever it may emerge, don't give an inch to these tyrants, defend and serve the constitution.
If I'm busy solving a fantasy, I'm not packing ammo.
If I'm busy solving a fantasy
The Q psyop is over, completed. Who is wasting time chasing fantasy? We're actively fighting (((lies, misinfo, disinfo))) in a fourth/fifth generation information war with the tools/weapons that the Q psyop provided to truth seeking anons. We're fighting (((tyrants))) attempting to destroy the USA, attacking our constitution and civil rights.
This is not a hot war - yet. Understanding the depth and breadth of the (((enemy))) is key to winning the battle. We're fighting fourth/fifth generation informational warfare. I look at what I knew about the (((enemy))) in 2015 vs now, Q equipped me with sufficient knowledge that gives me the confidence to participate in this type of warfare. Many of you have served in the military and have had some training in these areas, I didn't. Q filled that void enabling me to participate as an educated soldier. I still have many weapons and would make a great sniper (because regrettably I'm getting too old for the really physical stuff) if we ever get forced into a hot war. I much prefer to win at the fourth/fifth generation warfare level before it ever gets to a bloody, destructive hot war.
I'm right there with you for most of what you said.
I was referring to the past when someone else was going to legally right this ship based upon Q's posts.
We lost when we didn't chase the feds at bundy ranch.
A lot of people didn't know or care to pack ammo. Q removed the veil and now people can see the strings. They are realizing they need the ammo now. Everyone needs to spend the time digesting and processing the extreme corruption. I myself spent two years in depression and fear once I realized the world around me was full of lies. The ammout of suffering that has occurred at the hands of evil people, jews and the jewish tricks. So I get what Q did, it was a course on deprogramming and I watched it work on most people I hadn't ever been able to get to see my world view. After Q, I can openly question things. I get messages on the bullshit the jews pull from friends now. If Q was to lul people to sleep, it failed. My friends are sending me hitler memes. 10 years ago I'd never believe they would send the things they send me now. People see the enemy now and they see the mode of manipulation. Now they can not only defend, but attack.
You guys have talked about the importance of learning about symbolism of the enemy. The Gematria (the REAL stuff) was a part of that process. Of course idiots with no idea hijacked it, the clowns use things like Gematria and other methods of coded comms. all the time.
Manyly P. Hall talked at length about this.
It defines their very being, hence why they hate ANYBODY practicing Gematria, or turning it into a weaponized method of double meaning comms, and subliminal influence.
Don't forget all the work I did for you guys: >
Thanks. <
Vector, my sincere thanks for your many contributions. My thoughts on gematria; Q never specifically mentioned the word "gematria" in the drops. Simple gematria to convey a name, place or time (or a Q drop) I can understand, but many of the internet gematria whiz kids (Neon Revolt for one) had long lists of bullshit phrases with numeric values that they referred to in their decodes, indicating to me that everyone in that communication would need to have their own super secret spy decoder rings loaded with these same phrases to figure out what was actually being conveyed. That's where gematria turned me off, the whiz kids lost me there. Dan Scavino's tweet timestamps worked for me, a subtle and straightforward approach to communication and that approach was correctly used in forming most Q proofs. Scavino never used gematria that I am aware of. I don't recall any Q proofs using gematria in an anon agreed upon proof. These are the reasons why I generally get uncomfortable at the mention of Q using gematria. This is just my opinion and I'm not trying to convince others - I'm not a gematria whiz kid (same as most everyone else) so I may be missing something. In the big picture it doesn't seem to much matter now, we are in a different phase of the awakening, there are no more Q drops to decode, old drops are fulfilling "future proves past" without appying gematria, Trump and Scavino appear to continue to use timestamps when conveying a hidden message or Q drop association.
(post is archived)