There are also repercussions for up voting in TOS.
Upvoting (vote brigading) of 'fake voat/ alt accounts' (even if unknown to the up voting user - that's why a public list would be helpful to all users, esp new users with zero knowledge of existing users/ personalities of the site) gets the account 'algo-ed' and upvoting comments that promote, endorse or otherwise encourage things specifically deemed against TOS with also get the upvoting user account perma banned.
i just stay away from voting entirely - 'Le Voting is fake and ghey anyway'.
No it wasn't Crensch - it was 'The admin'. Lol.
I think Crensch was owner and an admin right after the two subs were created. He spent a couple of months over here before the mass migration.
I would think AOU would want to help us to avoid those fake account landmines. Since he hasn't, I'll speculate he derives some useful user information from them. I'm sure he has some association mapping software which would make small interacting groups of users "pop" out to the eye.
(post is archived)