This is a fucking breakdown and a half. It would take weeks to put this all together. Not NMBRFG but me. Nice.
I have waaay more brother. This is the layman's versaion, and an introduction. < 11:11 Scott Onstott 15–19 minutes
After discovering the numerological system of divination of JCN that I wrote about in my last post English Gematria, I’ve been typing phrases in JCN Tool and am floored by what is coming up in 21 number full matches. For example:
Ground Zero = Wizard of Oz
Image courtesy Mark Gray
Speaking of a wizard, I’m continually amazed by the research of Dr. Mark Gray. We are daily bouncing ideas off each other through the medium of Facebook, stimulating each other in making new discoveries surrounding Ground Zero.
Mark made this connection between Snake Eyes and the ground zero monument Reflecting Absence:
Image courtesy Mark Gray
Here’s another full match:
The Intention of Reflecting Absence = The Programmer of the Book of the Dead
The white pyramid in the Book of the Dead reminds me of the Freedom Tower:
Image source
Mike Montesano posted a comment on my World Trade Center post that suggested that the mapping between the three pyramids of Giza and Reflecting Absence plus the Freedom Tower discussed in Stars of Lower Manhattan makes the most sense when inverted:
Map created by MesserWoland under the under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
The reason it makes more sense inverted is because the location of the Sphinx then matches up with the location of the Path Transportation Hall.
Here’s another JCN full match:
The Effect of Path Transportation Hall = The Intention of Johann Adam Weishaupt
Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1, 1776. The Freedom Tower is 1776 feet in height.
I never saw the movie but the image of Snakes on a Plane resonates with Snake Eyes and the planes that flew into the twin towers which started the trauma-based War on Terra programming:
Notice how Hollywood taps into the morphic field of the Rod of Osiris:
Image taken Alec Ratcliffe in Bolton
The letter S surely symbolizes slithery serpents. Looking at one half of the reflection that constitutes Osiris’ Rod, it occurred to me we are seeing the symbolic source of script. Expanding the symbol I reveal “she whom no mortal hath ever unveiled”, sister-wife of Osiris:
Isis Unveiled by Scott Onstott
See Tracy Twyman’s Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge.
What is the World Trade Center but a symbol of the centralization of money flowing around the world?
To really get to the source of things we turn to Genesis 3:14 (the Pi verse) and Dennis Fetcho:
“And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life”
This is what is known as an acroamatic cipher, or a form of oral or written instruction or story about a key letter or component to the larger Construct. In this case, the serpent as represented by snake eyes…when you have snake eyes showing, you must “go to the belly” and utilize the “6’s” that are but the belly of the serpent, or the digits of the dice that are resting on the surface of the table.
The Sum of 1:11 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+8+9+10+11 = 66
Hence the “1” and “1” of “snake eyes” as thrown by the “1”s of the dice may reduced to being represented as “11”, and then when summed from 1:11, then reveals the two 6’s that are resting on the table as being “the belly of the serpent”.
In other words, from “two doth come 11” as encoded by Shakespeare:
PRINCE HENRY: O monstrous! eleven buckram men grown out of two!
Two 1’s as “two” may also be viewed as an 11. This “2” of “11”, typically set in a Gemini or Twins or “number II” in Roman numerals all reveal “66”. –Dennis Fetcho
The Great Djedi Purge was initiated by the Dark Lord of the Sith by uttering this spell:
Execute Order 66
Standing Order 66 is what established the prime minister as the leader of the government precisely by becoming First Lord of the Treasury.
Adding to this, the sum of the heights of the buildings in the World Trade Center are as follows:
Yes, the sum of the WTC building heights is 6660 feet. See my post on 666.
Grant Chamberlin sent me the following freaky info this morning while I was writing this post [FYI: I am in awe of the synchronicity in my life]: Psalm 46 was read by Obama at the 9-11-11 ritual.
Psalm 46 is the 666th chapter from the end of the King James Bible. In addition the original King James Bible from 1611 has Psalm 46 printed on page 666.
Among the coincidences revolving William Shakespeare being 46 when this was printed in the 1611 King James bible (look upside down, it shows 11-9-1), and his name appearing in code at the 46th word from the beginning and 46 words from the end of the verse. –Source
Mike Montesano’s comment on this post is worth paraphrasing here:
In the 1611 King James bible, the serpent said exactly 46 words to Eve (Genesis Chapter 3):
“Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 14 Words
Ye shall not surely die. 5 Words
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” 27 Words
14 + 5 + 27 = 46
In Foundation Stone I show how the distance from the stone to the Kaaba in Mecca is 666 nautical miles.
In Freedom Tower I discuss how the Kaaba is the inversion of Reflecting Absence:
Image courtesy Mark Gray
Mark Gray has blown my mind again with the following:
The following photo reveals that there are actually 33 tables in a Phi spiral, 9 planters, and 3 pyramids surrounding the Sphere in the former WTC Courtyard (count them).
How can you not see Giza in the sculpture in the WTC Courtyard, with two large and one small pyramid?
The Sphere was moved to Battery Park after 9/11. Mark discovered that the Sphere is located 33,000 inches from its original location. I measured and think it is actually 33,333 inches but don’t want to split hairs. Whatever the case the two Tridents (33) in the 9/11 Memorial discussed in my Freedom Tower post are where the Sphere used to be.
Let’s not forget that the decimal latitude plus longitude of the Freedom Tower is -33.3°.
40.713° -74.013° = -33.300°
Will Barrett’s incredible discoveries linking the Platonic Solids to the cycle of precession (Earth’s wobble) has one equation that really stands out to me:
33.3333333 x 25920 = 864000
In other words the “masonic number” times the number of years in the Earth’s precessional cycle equals the diameter of the Sun in miles.
I listened to a Red Ice interview with David Flynn (part 2 in particular) yesterday where David revealed a strikingly similar but different equation:
8640 x 3 = 25920
David Flynn discovered that one third of the Earth’s precessional cycle is spent in the Draco (dragon) constellation. The north pole enters the dragon around 6627 BC. Here’s a picture from my Esoteric Astronomy video describing the path the Earth’s pole traces out in the heavens:
This meshes with Revelation 12:4-9:
4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
As I previously mentioned, one-third of the precessional cycle is 8640 years. Jesus was officially crucified in 33 AD because he was 33 years old when this occurred and our calendar is based upon his birth. The devil is in the details; note the 6660 year span prior to 33 AD.
The Freedom Tower will be completed by 2013, just in time for the new aeon. The transition of the age will probably occur 11 days earlier at 11:11 Universal Time on 21 Dec 2012.
The nine benches around the Sphere also blew my mind because of the ennead discussed in my San Francisco episode and Sundial Bridge posts.
The 33rd degree jewel of Scottish freemasonry features a nine pointed star:
Image source
See Part 2: >
This is a fucking breakdown and a half. It would take weeks to put this all together. Not NMBRFG but me. Nice.
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