This is a fucking breakdown and a half. It would take weeks to put this all together. Not NMBRFG but me. Nice.
I have waaay more brother. This is the layman's versaion, and an introduction. <
This is a fucking breakdown and a half. It would take weeks to put this all together. Not NMBRFG but me. Nice.
I have waaay more brother. This is the layman's versaion, and an introduction. <
Part 2 >
Here is another JCN full match:
The Blueprint of Sundial Bridge = The Lies of Member of Illuminati
The JCN thing really gives me the chills. The Freemasons and Illuminati may be part of the conspiracy but the English language? Clearly there are different levels to the mystery and language encoding is much deeper than I can fathom. Hyperdimensional intelligence is at play.
The title of this post is 11:11 and I can finally get to describing the master number. What do you see when you look at the lucky sixes?
In my posts IX XI and 110-111 I mentioned:
The World Trade Center took 11 years to build
The World Trade Center stood like an 11
9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is 111 days until the end of the year
The first plane to hit the World Trade Center was Flight 11
The total crew on Flight 11 was 11
Continuing the theme of follow the money, World Financial Center (WFC) is located across the street from World Trade Center. The WFC was designed by Cesar Pelli, the same architect who designed One Canada Square in London (that looks just like WFC1) which encodes so many Secrets in Plain Sight. You can see the Freedom Tower being constructed across the street in the background.
Image courtesy Paulm27 under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license
Mark Gray tipped me off to the “Eleven Tears” monument inside the lobby of American Express’ corporate headquarters at 3 WFC (the tallest building with a pyramid on top):
Image source
American Express has commissioned and constructed a work of art to honor the 11 AMEX employees killed in the terrorist attack.
”Eleven Tears” was designed by architect Ken Smith. The installation consists of an 11-sided, 600-pound piece of natural Brazilian quartz that resembles a gigantic tear. This ”tear” is set in a steel ring suspended from the ceiling by 11 cables, and hovers over an 11-sided black granite fountain with the names of the employees cut into the 11 corners.
The reflection of the 600-pound crystal in that dark pool of water is stunning; it resembles a crystal cone rising out of the depths. Even more remarkable are the 11 drops of water — 11 invisible tears — that fall at random intervals from the ceiling into the pool, creating ripples that expand and intersect in the water.
”The thing I had been obsessing about was the sky and ground,” Mr. Smith said. ”I wanted to unite sky and ground, the ceiling and floor, heaven and earth. Water seemed an obvious way to make the connection.” The notion of 11 tears came quickly: ”Each ripple was really a person; tears and ripples merged together.” –NY Times
Eleven Tears is the most incredible reflecting monument to 11:11 that I can even imagine.
In JCN I have found three full matches:
Eleven Tears = Water Dragon
The Source of Eleven Tears = The Power of the Human Mind
The Meaning of Freedom Tower = The Nemesis of Eleven Eleven
Mike Montesano sent me an email with a link to this article discussing the symbolism of Freedom Tower:
“The building will have a swirling, steel spire that will flash the letter “N” for New York, which will be visible all the way from the Tappen Zee Bridge northward, and southward to Sandy Hook, N.J.”
The tallest building in the United States will presumably be visible for miles around in all directions. Why did the article mention two specific unusual sites unless there is a secret encoded?
In JCN both of these phrases are full matches:
Tappen Zee Bridge = The Kingdom of God
Sandy Hook, N.J = Zinc Sulfate
Zinc Sulfate is historically known as “white vitriol” and is used as a preservative for skins and leather. This reminds me of mummification. An Egyptian connection perhaps?
Here’s what freemason Leon Zeldis has to say about VITRIOL:
The word VITRIOL is displayed in the Chamber of Reflection, used in some masonic rituals as the first contact of the candidate with the Lodge. Its meaning is not always apparent, although its alchemical origin is well known. The word is actually composed of the initials of a Latin sentence:
Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying (i.e. purifying), you will find the hidden stone.
This has been interpreted as a message inciting the initiate to delve into his own soul in order to find wisdom. However, let us examine closely each of the words.
VISITA. A visit. This means that the initiate journey into his soul must be a two-way journey, like the course followed on a labyrinth, which ends by returning to the starting point. The initiate must not seek to remain inside. He goes and comes back. He visits.
INTERIORA. The interior, the inside. As The Gospel of Phillip, quoted in A Gnostic Book of Hours states: ‘The revealed one they call “the one who is below”, and the hidden one is supposed to be above him. It would be better for them to say, “The Inner and the Outer”, and “What is outside of the outer.” This means that the usual Gnostic principle “what is above is also below” can be transformed into “what is inside is also outside”.
TERRA. Earth, one of the alchemical elements. The ground, the basis, and also the material, terrestrial (as opposite to spiritual or ethereal). The body.
RECTIFICANDO. Like rectified alcohol. This means at the same time an act of purification and of straightening. Whatever is bent must be straightened. The straight path must be followed. By rectifying our thoughts and our actions we shall find the hidden truth.
INVENIES. Literally: “shall find”. The same root of “invention”. Coming upon something (previously unknown). Karl Popper maintained that scientific truth must be invented.
OCCULTUM. Here we find a connection with “occulum”, the eye. The T may refer to Templum, the temple. This can be intepreted as the All-Seeing Eye that dwells within the Temple.
LAPIDEM. The stone. Stone has many connection with the sacred. Altars are made of stone. Kings are crowned seated on a stone. The symbolism of the stone is extensive.
By displaying VITRIOL to the eyes of the candidate, the intention is to teach him to search within his own soul and spirit in order to find the philosopher’s stone, that is, the key to understanding and eternal life.
Vitriol is also the name of a chemical compound: a caustic sulfate of various metals, such as copper, iron or zinc. The demonic aspect of sulfur and the yellow color is well known, this, together with the red of copper and the black of iron, are the basic colors of alchemical symbolism.
The rituals of the first degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite are strongly influenced by the symbolism of alchemy, and the decoration of the Chamber of Reflection is just one of the examples of this connection. –Source
If the Chamber of Reflection is the interior journey then what is the external journey?
Speaking of journeys to the interior of the Earth, I just listened to a fascinating Red Ice interview with Aaron Kaplan discussing Operation Highjump, Admiral Byrd’s Diaries, and the Nazi-piloted UFOs that came out of the center of the earth through the south polar opening.
Image source ISBN 1412005299
Neuschwabenland in the Antarctic was explored by the Nazis in early 1939 and named after that expedition’s ship, the Schwabenland, itself named after the German region of Swabia. See my post on 33.
Neuschwabenland lies due south of Rome. I just measured it in Google Earth and there is a point within Neuschwabenland that is 6666 miles from the Vatican obelisk at a bearing of 180 degrees true North.
Perhaps that is the location of the portal to the hollow earth, the literal kingdom of the gods?
(post is archived)