Gaslighting ala the communist manifesto - accuse others of what you do aka 'crying out in pain as they strike you'
Well said
Gaslighting ala the communist manifesto - accuse others of what you do aka 'crying out in pain as they strike you'
Well said
Chief Justice Roberts made it clear that we had no standing in 2020 because we aren't violent enough to care about our dissent.
Beck is a hack and the mormons have made some kind of deal.
Yeah, the left is hoping that we'll react the way they do. But sadly, we realize it's only OK when "they" do it...
They're trying to repeat the same series of events which brought Mussolini and Hitler to power.
So the "justice" system is completely rigged at EVERY level, President Trump has been indicted and being arraigned tomorrow, the FBI and CIA are nothing but Brown Shirt Nazis against the American people, the elections are rigged, the Supreme Court is mega compromised, we have a potato pretending to be the president, and probably around 10 million illegals have flooded our border since the start of Biden's "residency."
At what point are we going to see anything get BETTER??? We're on a plane nosediving with no parachute. "Protesting" just turns patriots into PoWs via infiltrated paid agitators. How the eff are we supposed to restore our country and escape these psychopaths' clutches when there are ZERO avenues available to us through our voting, legal system, corrupt govt. across the board, and load of local/state/federal/Supreme Courts? Every direction we look is mass corruption and INjustice.
What the hell IS the solution?!? It's like that line from the movie "Team America: World Police" where the nuclear weapons inspector Hans Blix went to see Kim Jong Il and demanded access to the facilities to do an inspection. KJI refused to give him access, so Hans Blix tells KJI that he's "going to write him a nasty letter." That's how this sitch looks to me.
Writing/calling our govt. officials fall on deaf ears (I always get some type of automated generic reply - never a real message pertaining to why I contacted them), signing petitions does nothing but get you added to endless spam lists, attending a protest gets you thrown in jail for no reason or branded a 'domestic terrorist' and makes you a total target, etc. What's supposed to be We the People's ace in the hole? What power do we actually have to stop the destruction of our country?
(post is archived)