Yesterday, trump posted this message @3:59 pm
'the great patriots at the gateway pundit are delivering the truth to the american people. follow them today @gatewaypundit!'
he reposts the same message at 8:54 pm, removing the word 'the' before truth and adding 'site'.
'the great patriots at the gateway pundit site are delivering truth to the american people. follow them today @gatewaypundit!"
a search of q posts for "site" returns the most prominent post about epstein island in q1001:
this appears to connect with the trump time stamp of 8:54:
"the stage is set for a drop of hrc +++ + +++++ (raw vid 5:5)"
we've been told that a prominent person who is an epstein associate will be revealed in the legal docs soon. is it hillary?
(post is archived)