I'm sorry, we've been exposing the fact that big pharma had that information long before the Chinese released it , most of the research was done on Voat before we moved over here. forgive me if it sounds like I don't care to convince you, it's actually because I don't care to convince you. I'm not trying to be malicious ,just like Voat itself was shut down because of the china virus research, so have many of the links and other things that proved the entire thing was planned. you had to have been doing it, realtime,as it happened, before everything was scrubbed.
What are you talking about ?/.
The mRNA vaccine was provably developed on a computer software program - thats a fact and the info on Voat made clear the original corona viral candidate came from Eco Health alliance (peter dazack / funding via Fauci through NIH) with the work being done at Wuhan.
We all know it was planned. We all know it is a plandemic.
You're just salty bc i called this post out . So you have to now pathologically refute me having the same agreement on the things as you on other things.
Weird flex man.
no, just disagreeing as to when they had access to the structure of these viruses . I guess you had forgotten about the others, which went back to 2003, just from memory. We also disagree about how many times they tested versions of it , and probably the idea that the virus itself and the fake vaccine had been on a shelf waiting to be deployed for years. According to you, because it was done by computer modeling it could be done very quickly, No , thats patently false.With real patents I might add. Believe what you wish
According to you, because it was done by computer modeling it could be done very quickly,
Lol, That's not what i said at all. Why you making stuff up. Really not sure why you're trying so hard to disagree and infer i'm incorrect ?/, esp as I never made any mention of ' when they had access to the structure of these viruses or how many times they tested versions of it' - you're conflating those things that i have never said.
The DOD Operation Warp sped enabled facilitation of World wide manufacture and distribution for 'Public health countermeasures', namely EUA mRNA vaccine candidates (Phizzer, ModeRNA et al) which were resolved via computer software algorithm for encapsulating the mRNA payload inside the LNP (lipid nanotechnology particulate). - Nothing i have said here is incorrect.
Or are you suggesting the DOD mRNA gene based therapy candidates developed via Operation Warp sped were not resolved in a computer software algorithm - as was shown on the OG VOAT threads of the time ?? (because i was there and read them).
(post is archived)