NMBRFG, this is for educational purposes, since you mention the ADL in your post, here is a speech by former ADL president Abe Foxman, given on August 25, 1998 at an ADL conferrence. We get to see whom the REAL racists of this world really are. I received a copy of this document as a NEWSFLASH via The National Observer going way back to September 1998. The two questions that many ask is, why do the Jews hate those descended from the Caucasian/Europeans so much? What is it about the true Caucasian people that is so special, that the children of the wicked one have to destroy? See Gen. 3:15. This speech is one of many from the ADL during the 1990s that shows exactly what is happening to the whites today, how it was planned a very long time ago and how their agenda continues unimpeded. (Capitalizations are my emphasis)
"Anti-Defamation League President Abraham Foxman in an appearance on August 25, 1998, in New York made the following speech:
Gentlemen. Welcome to the Second Centennial Meeting of the Learned of Elders of Zion. We have achieved all of the objectives expressed at our first meeting 100 years ago.
We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth.
Many of you are very busy men. Let us get to the crux of the matter. As masters of business, politics, law and most importantly … media, we are ready to implement our most important and ambitious program. One that will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this earth.
I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate.
We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction.
We can ruin THE ANCIENT PURE BLOODLINE OF AN ARYAN CHILD by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children.
We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country.
More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children.
We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races.
This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim (non-jews) by murder and imprisonment.
Finally, we will SEE THE END OF THIS WHITE RACE. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at our feet.
Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it.
Perish Aryan Goyim (cattle)!” [Applause]
End of speech."
The above text also explains why we have had for many years, an open border policy in the south and why the EU has been intentionally flooded by a sea of non-white people. Big Pharma have given us the fake SARS-2 vaccines that are now proven to sterilize a portion of the male and female population which in 2021, world renowned Canadian Vaccinologist and Virologist Dr. Biram Bridle had warned and predicted would happen.
Do you think having to include our countries of origin on the 2020 census is related?
Good question! Its definitely a way for the DS Devils to assess the success of their eugenics program against the "evil whites". It was none of their business where my ancestors came from, most were already in New England in the 1700s before the American Revolution. If someone says that their grandparents on one side of the family are from Sweden and the other side of the family are from Morocco, that's considered by Soros and the rest of them a successful integration to adulterate the DNA forever. On the Census I wrote that I was of Celto-Germanic ancestry, that covers most European countries, LOL.
While we are on the subject, you probably thought about this too, the fact is that Elon Musk is a real genuine AFRICAN-AMERICAN, LOL!! Most so-called African-Americans have never been to Africa so why hyphenate their continent of origin, except to express their hate for whites. If you are born in America, or are a legally naturalized American, you are American period, my two cents.
We have a lot of discussion to do here Mate. I have work now, but I will reply in due course. Thanks heaps.
(post is archived)