Excellent article at PJ Media! Was laughing at the comment, "The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently met in Switzerland to decide just how many crickets we can eat for dinner and how we can only cook them on an electric stove." Its so true nonetheless. Electric stoves/cooktops are very inefficient when they use electricity because they use ancient resistive load technology, while induction cooktops create massive amounts of high frequency magnetic oscillations (EMF radiation) to induce a load on iron pots and pans to make heat. Induction cooktops exceed limits set by the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) and can damage the nerves in your body (CNS) as they are also conductors of electrical pulses from the brain. This electromagnetic radiation can also cause certain types of radio interferrence, affect blood hemoglobin and can kill you if you have a pacemaker. Its best to just keep using your conventional gas oven which is cheaper to operate, or if you really have to, keep using your conventional resistive load electric range.
Point here is that these idiots at the WEF don't understand even the basics of electricity and how much TERRAWATTS of power that it really takes If we were to convert everything to electricity from cars, trucks, locomotives, aircraft, ovens all the way to farm tractors and heavy equipment. Don't get me going on electric cars equipped with MICRO-HEATERS that cannot keep you adequately warm in cold climates because you can quickly kill/discharge the battery if you used a proper 40,000 BTU heater that would strand you real fast. The fact is that the entire generating capacity from the entire planet could only produce about 3% of that requirement. In other words it is impossible to do it UNLESS..... everyone is forced to reduce/eliminate electricity use in everyway possible, travel in all its forms, food and materials distribution, agriculture, along with turning off all your electrical gadgets, etc. The obvious and fastest solution here is population reduction which would exponentially increase the available kilowatts per capita.
The evil is real and I still believe that even with all his faults, Donald J. Trump currently is the only leader willing to fight the Deep State. Most politicians are afraid. President Trump has the qualities of a real leader and is a doer, he can't be bought off like most greedy politicians because he is rich and most of all he is against SOCIALISM in any of its forms. He can focus/project his love for America and his worlview to the people. He is a Constitutionalist and can inspire people to work together. Its how a leader gets things done.
I always learn from you, JohnQ - thanks!
Induction cooktops exceed limits set by the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) and can damage the nerves in your body (CNS) as they are also conductors of electrical pulses from the brain.
Had NO idea.
The fact is that the entire generating capacity from the entire planet could only produce about 3% of that requirement. In other words it is impossible to do it UNLESS..... everyone is forced to reduce/eliminate electricity use in everyway possible, travel in all its forms, food and materials distribution, agriculture, along with turning off all your electrical gadgets, etc.
That's exactly the plan.
The evil is real and I still believe that even with all his faults, Donald J. Trump currently is the only leader willing to fight the Deep State.
I agree - Much of my opinion is based on the plethora of Globalist NGOs established since he assumed office in 2017 - no need for them if he wasn't a threat.
Agreed, NGOs are in place to do the DS bidding without any accountability, its how our corrupt government gets around the law of the land. No question that in 2017 Trump was seen as an inconvenient obstacle that had to be eliminated. I believe that Trump's absence from the WH actually gave us a 4 year reprieve to give us time to prepare and wake up more Americans for the hardships that I expect will come. If Hildabeast was President I think that I would already be in a reeducation camp. NGOs can be put out of business if Trump bans all government contracts with any of them. We don't need NGOs and their paramilitary group subsidiaries that murder people, break the law and violate the Constitution without any consequences. We just have to get Trump back in the game. I still see election reform as the issue that must be dealt with before 2024. Too many States are headed by Democrats that will prevent this at any cost.
I believe that Trump's absence from the WH actually gave us a 4 year reprieve to give us time to prepare and wake up more Americans for the hardships that I expect will come.
You for sure would be in a camp :-)
NGO's should not only be prohibited from contrasts; the should not be involved in the government period.
Yes, election reform is a MUST.
(post is archived)