The way that tweet is worded - "entitlement programs." SS is NOT an entitlement program - People have paid into it their entire working lives - it's not some government "gift" to seniors. Why is the Daily Mail giving that impression?
Because they are cucked. All the protections for working class Americans put in place during the Great Depression are being taken away; started by dick-face clinton.
Can't wait for your SS to get cut, boomer.
You knew all along the next generation would never see a dime.
You never thought you'd live to see the disasters you'd created.
Sorry bitch, they're coming.
Speaking of social security (which I'm not on, btw) If you're not already getting SSI you should apply. I'm sure you meet the listing for a mental impairment, angry boy.
Hope you didn't spend ALL your inheritance, because it looks like your children's future is going to Ukraine instead of your selfish pockets like you expected.
(post is archived)