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[–] 9 pts

If you are ordered to administer the Jab and don't stand up and say "no I won't participate in this genocide", you will be part of the lawsuit - crimes against humanity as per the Nuremberg code. “I just followed orders” won’t be a defense.

[–] 0 pt

Here's the real reason why they dropped it. Britain & Denmark are being good cucks: https://poal.co/s/RealWhatever/499494

[–] 5 pts

and why is it taking so long for americans to do this? Don't we have enough lawyers, or do we have to many weak americans?

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

There are an insane number of lawsuits still pending. There are lawsuits against the military for literally mislabelling vials of the current vax as the approved brand Comenity (which literally doesn't exist yet), there is the Tyson Foods lawsuit, there was the recent supreme court lawsuit which struck-down OSHA except for hospital workers (and there are still lower court appeals on that and there are hospitals in many states that will hire those fired workers) ...

There are a TON of legal cases pending and more are being filed every day. The Viva/Barnes livestream on Rumble/Locals is a pretty good source of info for all the pending legislation.

[–] 5 pts

Go to the Bar asocial web site.. look carefully read carefully. Then go to your states Bar association web site look carefully read carefully...

Who controls the courts? i mean really control them? > the Bar..

[–] 1 pt

If you haven’t noticed...Americans are pretty weak

[–] 0 pt

all the lawyers practically disappeared over the last two years, i can barely get a response for any issue i need one for.

[–] 1 pt

This is what I have noticed, too. The lawyer I got back when all this started said that all lawyers were afraid to touch any of it. He would advise me but not file any suits. It sounds like the Bar association threatened them just like the states threatened doctors' licenses.

Because most of them are the 👃 and are on board with team globoschlomo

Shhhhh you'll wake them up!! Netflix has a new gender non conforming brave trans bipoc wheel chair bound super hero sitcom to watch

[–] 3 pts

what a load of Qtard shit. it's been 2 yrs. there's been tonnes of attempted lawsuits. there is absolutely zero chance this is the reason.

[–] 3 pts

This makes sense, but it the first i have heard of it, including the texas thing. Is there anything written up about it?

[–] 2 pts

I thought it had something to do with Boris getting caught up in that party scandal and how he would look like an hypocrite if he continued with the restrictions while disobeying them himself

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Nah Don't know man, It Doesn't need to be a defense. They have immunity via EUA - you can't be held responsible for an experimental drug going wrong - while it is still experimental (Investigational vaccine). And every single recipient signed a waiver immediately before vaccination, while also verbally arguing they 'Understood the terms of the vaccination / procedure'. Sorry not sorry and not gonna fly. Nuremburg was deliberate experimentation etc - without the patients consent. That they weren't given all the data in order to make a fully informed decision to vaccinate or not is also mitigated bc the Vaccine manufacturers deliberately withheld clinical data preventing everyone from knowing that but again they have full and complete immunity - so again those on the front line have 'can not be held responsible for information they had no idea of - should they had known absol-fcking -lutely !! ....

[–] 1 pt

Gonna need some Fact -checkers to tell me how to think and feel about this ?? ....

Check your social media feed to know exactly what the pre approved narrtive for manufactured outraged should be for the day.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Americans used to lynch people for stealing cattle.

Imagine you take your case to some judge. lol

Why did the mafia ever exist? Corrupt authority, that's the original reason.

[–] 0 pt

Daddy trump going to prison, eh?

[–] 0 pt

I'm sure their defense will be they never forced anyone to get jabbed.

Exactly what I've been saying for 2 years.

But usually just get a blank stare followed by "I had no choice!"

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