To be fair... Rogan was also that shitbag on "fear factor" who got poor people to eat shit, have shit put on them, and then expose themselves to dangerous environments for a few shekels.
He also became the Remoras to Dana White in the UFC (another outlet for the poor goy to brutally beat one another senseless for a few shekels, while he and White rake in the real money).
Let's not forget that he used his pulpit (comedy stage) to constantly pine for the poor class to get drugged up and remain stupid forever.
So, again, to be fair (while you're right in that he's a huge blockhead jewtoy) Rogan has been a shitbag for his entire life. I promise he's the kind of fucktard who picked on the weak nerds in school too. He's not someone to revere or admire. He's what you point at while laughing and show your kids what they're trying to NOT become.
Rogan was also that shitbag on "fear factor" who got poor people to eat shit, have shit put on them, and then expose themselves to dangerous environments for a few shekels.
They agreed to it. Many of them, probably virtually all, had already seen the show...
UFC bad
Sheesh you don't like UFC? Fag
weed = bad
Boy, I bet you're fun at parties. You guys are hilarious.
"They agreed to it. Many of them, probably virtually all, had already seen the show..." Said every kike ever.
"UFC bad" The only faggots who like this shit (or the wrestling garbage) are faggots who've never been in a fight in their lives and romanticize about those who are so financially strapped (and mentally weak) that they sell themselves off like hookers.
"Boy, I bet you're fun at parties. You guys are hilarious." If you think you become "fun" because you put yourself into a drunken stupor or a weed're the kind of bottom feeder that needs to be used as a shield. That's the only purpose you can serve.
Everyone who went through the school of Hollywood is a Jew-toy.
Neil Young never did. He knew better.
(post is archived)