I hope Neil Young will remember A Southern man don’t need him around anyhow
Wasn't that really about slavery?
I think it was......
I hope Neil Young will remember A Southern man don’t need him around anyhow
Wasn't that really about slavery?
I think it was......
This will get interesting when Rogan sues Young for slander.
Patriot, he used to sing about and bad mouth the establishment, Now he is part of what he used to protest against.
Neil Young said it himself. In a song called Old Man.
Old man. Take a look at your life. I’m a lot like you…. Were.
Well said.
Patriot, add Kerry and Hanoi Jane to the list.
Don't believe he sold out.
He has no reason to.
Do you trust Spotify? Or the news outlet making the claim?
Joe brings in about 11m views A DAY. I heard three of Neil's songs broke 100m. Pretty easy decision.
I only remember him as the "who the fuck is this Young guy on CSN album(Déjà vu)"? The 2 worse songs were written by Young. His whining singing makes him unbearable.
He has total lack of self awareness and exaggerated sense of self importance - jew. I don't care what his bio says.
He's definitely a jew. A whiny cocksucker.
Yup. He's a jew bastard.
This just shows what you know about Jews.
Everyone you don't like must be a Jew, right?
Dumb fuck.
His whining singing makes him unbearable.
That's one of his unique qualities, and I love it.
Neil Young has always stood up against the Deep State, and still draws huge crowds to his concerts.
He's getting old, and like all old musicians he isn't as creative any more, but his legacy of great songs has lasted for decades.
What musicians do you listen to? Let's compare.
From the 70's. Kansas, Jim Croce, George Harrison, The Doobie Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Seals and Croft, CCR, CSN, America, Moody Blues, Rolling Stones, Pick Floyd. Some 80's British bands (like REM) stuff is good. 90's alternative rock is still good.
Hippies from the 60's seem to support the deep state now.
Neil separated himself from the scene going on in the US back in the 70s and kind of dropped out for a while, came back to Canada to get back to country living. He wasn't into what was going on there. He wasn't one of those Hollywood-based rock stars, like David Crosby, although he cut some good music with him as CSN&Y. I think it was the DS shit that made him drop out.
I give zero shits about Spotify.
Right now Joe Rogan IS the media that people are listening to.
Neil Young hasn't been someone people have listened to since 1980. Even before that he was only heard as another mouth to feed for the "anti establishment" crowd that since has become the establishment.
Now you know why the spoiled, lifeless rhetoric used to pit young people (particularly on the "Right") against him, about how Rogan isn't a savory personality within concerned spheres is gasping for air at best. People can't even get their criticisms against him right. He's a comedian, but can't make jokes about things. He's some podcast guy that made a name for himself by doing stand up comedy, plenty of the time in the beginning about how the media and governments are lying to us, who masquerades as some dumbass midget meathead, yet is really one of the most informed modern media personalities that's at least semi-sanctioned (although YouTube sanitized him for a litany of reasons). He's a self-proclaimed Leftoid (well, as close as one can get without literally saying those words), a secularist and he does drugs in public, in front of millions of people regularly, but his proponents cast him as some degenerate scum that is working in the shadows to degrade and corrupt youth... None of the criticisms make much sense to me. Besides, he's an eceleb, not some mythological hero that countless facets of culture rest upon, like Jesus and expecting him to be some paragon of virtue or model of "The Right" when he doesn't play the political dichotomy game makes his critics look foolish.
To be fair... Rogan was also that shitbag on "fear factor" who got poor people to eat shit, have shit put on them, and then expose themselves to dangerous environments for a few shekels.
He also became the Remoras to Dana White in the UFC (another outlet for the poor goy to brutally beat one another senseless for a few shekels, while he and White rake in the real money).
Let's not forget that he used his pulpit (comedy stage) to constantly pine for the poor class to get drugged up and remain stupid forever.
So, again, to be fair (while you're right in that he's a huge blockhead jewtoy) Rogan has been a shitbag for his entire life. I promise he's the kind of fucktard who picked on the weak nerds in school too. He's not someone to revere or admire. He's what you point at while laughing and show your kids what they're trying to NOT become.
Rogan was also that shitbag on "fear factor" who got poor people to eat shit, have shit put on them, and then expose themselves to dangerous environments for a few shekels.
They agreed to it. Many of them, probably virtually all, had already seen the show...
UFC bad
Sheesh you don't like UFC? Fag
weed = bad
Boy, I bet you're fun at parties. You guys are hilarious.
Everyone who went through the school of Hollywood is a Jew-toy.
Neil Young never did. He knew better.
So, does all that excess verbiage say that you're for Rogan or against him?
kek is it really excess verbiage or are you just afraid of applying effort to things in order to insulate yourself against criticism? Have you ever actually done an in-depth analysis of anything? Why do my opinions matter to you?
Fuck you about all that nonsense about Neil. I still listen to him regularly, and so do a lot of other people, according to the number of views his music gets.
Neil was and is a great musician and performer.
One of Canada's greatest.
He would never sell out to the establishment.
Fuck, I guess I need to get on Spotify now
Neil who?
When he sobers up he going to say " I did what ? ".
Ask and you shall receive. Joe could say Old man look at my life I’m a lot like you were.
(post is archived)