the wet cold and cheese. > ingredients to long living... good find Brother.
What these retards won't tell you, because JIM HOFT IS A FUCKING JEW, is that that is the default date given to someone who registered recently or some shit like that. Like there's an easily explainable answer as to why.... Now you faggots haven't even given any credence to the databases being blatantly replaced and the security logs wiped etc. This is a classic misdirection.
Please explain why that would be a default registration date.
Excel uses 1-1-1900 as their default earliest date. 1918 makes no sense whatsoever.
Edit: I get it now. Default birth date 1-1-1900 + default voter registration at 18 = 1-1-1918.
End of WW1
Except excel doesn't automatically populate dates.
Thats what they chose. Its 104 years ago, making it a lot easier to identify people and less likely to get conflated with say someone in the 1970s etc. The official statement is "When a municipality’s system didn’t track a voter’s date of birth or initial date of registration, a default date was entered into the statewide system: 1/1/1900 for date of birth and 1/1/1918 for date of registration."
Which everyone who isn't corrupt would say if you do not have valid voter info, esp the dob, it isn't a valid registration.
Ahhhh the classic it’s a computer glitch
Wrong. Its called procedure. When they can't find you in the system this is the date they assign you.... AGAIN NOW LETS TALK ABOUT REPLACED DATABASES ON TABULATION MACHINES AND SUBSEQUENT DELETING OF THE SECURITY LOGS ON THE COMPUTERS.
Ohhh they can’t find you in a computer system. Totally not a glitch guys.
Not only that, for all we know, the majority of those votes went for Trump.
This is a trap story planted to make fools of everyone who suspects systemic voter fraud. This is a trap to make them look stupid. That’s exactly what this is. And you know what? Our side continuously falls for this.
The most popular president in history was voted in by dead people, illegal criminals, trannies and pets during a plandemic. What's next? A zombie apocalypse? Grandpa Sloppy Joe accidentally nuking a bunch of things during a delusion?
Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho (
Ah. The Idiocracy. Joe Biden is the biggest moron to ever be President and even this guy in a movie is more coherent and qualified for the position.
Fuck the left, the femocracy and the Xiden family.
OK then, how many of these votes went for Trump and how many went for Biden? Do you know the answer? Look, this is a trick they use in tons of states, they give a default birthday to anyone who either didn’t provide one or who was lost in the system. There was massive fraud all across the country and the election was stolen from Trump. But THIS particular story is a trap. It’s designed to make us look stupid for sharing it everywhere. And again. Show me how many of these went for Trump and how many went for Biden? We need to be a lot more careful with what we spread around.
In this day in age of advanced computers there is no excuse for incomplete data. This observation still stands as something malicious.
Another retarded kike gem from Gayway Pundit
Wisconsin voter turn out numbers made no fucking sense especially when u compare them to places like Chicago with similar demographics...
No fucking way 85% of eligible voters voted in Wisconsin.. its fucking insane
It's inane an election was stolen and the majority if the country just thinks ahhh no big deal I mean all the courts rejected the cases... no fucking courts heard the God damn cases
The same fools who are in power and will be, if not already, rewarded hansomely.
The taliban thanks Obiden.
That's a lot of 102 year olds, that share a New Year's Day birthday, in Wisconsin.
No, they'd have to be 18 to register. So those are 550k people who are 120 years old.
Dang brother, people live long in Wisconsin. Must be the fresh dairy.
I think it's the magic of being born on Jan 1st. It mysteriously let's you live to 102 and instantly become a demonrat.
Gubmint cheeeeeese niggaaaaa!
"Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich gave the keys to the arena where ballots were stored before the the 2020 election to far left radical and former Facebook employee Michael Spitzer Rubenstein."
Okay, now compare that to 2018 and 2016.
What's the difference?
Until that's done, none of these numbers mean ANYTHING because they lack context.
Patriot, the difference is now people are aware.
Shit, I didn't notice you were the one who posted this.
My apologies for my smartass reply. You're smart enough to understand my point without needing my snark. I'll pay attention to the poster name, next time.
Patriot, no apologies needed. we are all pulling long hours and we can make a honest mistake. We are here for one another.
(post is archived)