Here in the US we can do that. In Australia and Europe they fucking arrest you and fine you ten thousand dollars.
It's insane to me that in a place with so many venomous and deadly animals that can find their ways into people's homes they're so worried about a cold virus
Yep had a conversation with an Australian and he couldn't believe how quickly the men turned into pooftahs( Australian for faggot) as soon as they mandated masks or you get fined.
He said they were guys that would get chased by the police for not having insurance on their car.
But as soon as they threatened a fine for not wearing a mask they turned into little faggots for compliance.
He said it totally changed how he now looks at those guys and they way they act tough until big daddy government tells them what to do.
prozac and other drugs have been fold in great quantities in the drinking water supply( of most western nations for many years. AU has a higher trust of their government agencies and the tap water sources(,and%20it's%20not%20any%20healthier.&text=Plenty%20of%20water%20utilities%20around,hip%20pocket%20and%20the%20environment.).
this has turned them passive and compliant. go with the flow, path of least resistance. this will explain why most of the compliant do-gooders in the US are likely on pills prescribed by their trusted health professional.
(post is archived)