"We're from the government. We're here to help."
The abos are just a test for what is coming for the rest of the country. They'll send in the Army to round up the "unvaccinated" and ship us off to camps.
You know what a scarecrow is? Hang their carcasses from the overpasses into your area.
I hate hearing innocent people suffer. It may be a weirdly androgenous and ugly Abbo, but that was real mental anguish in their voice: "I want to hear from my people!"
It doesn't matter if they're abbo, whats being done to them and later others is not right.
God put humans on earth to be stewards for animals. I live my life caring for and showing empathy for other creatures.
You vegetarian?
Indirectly yes. Almost all my food sources are herbivores.
FYI. Nothing is more natural than killing and eating for food.
Vegans are of course fundamentally unnatural failed beings on a terrible diet
Hmm bullshitting native vs tyranical govt... not sure who to believe, but looking at how obscene the australian govt is i think id give the kangaroo nigger the benefit of the doubt
Yep.. That's exactly what they are doing.
like everyone else on here i'm eager to point out and warn of the tyranny of the jewish vaccine rollout...
but you don't understand these people. if anyone lies more than a jew it's these fucking people, they are trained from birth to lie as much as possible and play victim when it's always them who is the aggressor. there's no way you can take an abo's word on anything.
this is actually a routine narrative where they pretend the police are 'killing them all' in the prisons. in reality they assault people, get arrested, then spit and kick at the officer, the officer does nothing, then they say they're being mistreated, the officers are assaulting me, one tried to rape me, they're killing me.. nek minut, after a free meal im out on bail, let's go throw rocks at the white mans shop, fucking pig dogs think they can touch me.. white doggsssssss
Imagine if somebody grabbed one of these leaders and forced them to take the vaccine on camera. Their reaction would wake a lot of people up.
They have been killing their people since they were dumped off the prison ships. This is just the latest version.
Patriot, more voices are coming out now claiming the same.
This is disgusting. These people can't even begin to fight back against the Jews. They belong in a National Park.
GWP fails to provide the video once again.
(post is archived)