(((catholic hospital)))
No surprise here folks. It's a Catholic Hospital not a Christian one. They follow the orders of the Papacy. Rev 13:3 "And I saw one of his heads (did you know there are two Popes? Two heads to the Papacy. Black Pope and White Pope) as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." The Papacy is the beast (kingdom) spoken of in Daniel and Revelation. This is a tough pill to swallow for many people especially those who don't diligently read the bible.
ROCHESTER, MI: Three of Ascension-Providence Rochester Hospital’s best nurses walked away from their beloved jobs on Friday, after the Catholic, faith-based hospital network refused to consider their pleas for religious exemptions. Yes, you read that correctly; a CATHOLIC FAITH-BASED hospital denied CHRISTIAN nurses with religious objecions to the COIVD jab the right to have a religious exemption to the COVID jab.
A fully-vaccinated manager at the faith-based hospital shared their thoughts on watching three highly-qualified nurses who bravely cared for patients through the COVID pandemic, as they walked away from the jobs they love: The three nurses leave behind a legacy of faith, love, and compassion. Their supervising nurse shared her heartbreaking testimony about their firing on social media: Today was the saddest day of my 33-year nursing career. Religious exemptions were denied, and these wonderful ladies were 3 of the many healthcare workers who followed their conscience and will be losing jobs they love.
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