Did anyone mention the Cyber Symposium brother? We haven't had news in America for 30+ years that I've noticed. The Clinton election made me stop watching the msm. The 24/7 OJ coverage made me stop watching CNN. Someone got me to watch Fox back in the 2000's but I stopped watching them when I realized overall they are no different than the rest just with a more republican flare. 8 years ago I just got rid of TV all together.
Brother, are we surprised they stayed away ? Not really. I remember how Fake News MSM defended Slick Willy until the dress with DNA showed up, and then they all went silent immediately.
I remember how Fake News MSM defended Slick Willy until the dress with DNA showed up, and then they all went silent immediately.
Great point brother. I forgot about that but I do remember their tactics being the reason I turned them off years ago. Truth mixed with lies is deceit. That is our so called "Media".
Brother, for me it goes further back with Dan Rather and his claim he made about the JFK assassination and not being backed up with what is shown in the Zapruder film. Then go to Watergate, Appears a Spook named E Howard Hunt gave two Mockingbirds the script for Watergate, his name comes up with the JFK assassination also.
(post is archived)