Right but read the article. Look at what this is based on. This guy didn’t examine one ballot. This is based on political trends and speculation, and it might be on the mark. But no one‘s going to take this seriously. If you call your representative with this they’re going to laugh at you. I mean what the hell, do it anyway, but don’t cite this analysis. This wasn’t even worth the virtual paper it was printed on. It’s incredibly easy to poke holes in this.
Our team has been bragging about proof for months on end. Where is it? Where is the hard evidence, the candle stick with fingerprints on it, where is it?
Every time someone presents them to me it’s incredibly easy to deny it and poke holes in it and come up with a counter argument. I want hard, undeniable proof that everyone keeps saying we have.
“There is only a 0.000001% chance of votes falling this way“ is not proof. We know that it is. We saw it happen live on television. We saw it. But I want the proof. I want to fake ballots, and I think we found some in Arizona. They need to wrap up quickly, even people who believe this happened are starting to lose interest. Here, everyone is hard-core on board. There are tens of millions of Americans who lightly believe or could be convinced to believe that this happened and we are running out of time to fully convince them.
Try adding all the other threads with this, then do the math. There is enough PC to warrant a audit.
Why do you seem to be one of the few that actually reads and points out the actual facts of the posts. Obviously the OP does not read the stuff she posts ad nauseam.
I read it and didn't even think it worthy of a post pointing out its worthlessness.
This guy didn’t examine one ballot
You could've stopped right there. Then forget this guy and his models and speculation. If he cant offer proof its all just yak yak
(post is archived)