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This is a good read, as it will inform people of the violations of the Nuremberg Code that they are witnessing going on on real time.

This is a good read, as it will inform people of the violations of the Nuremberg Code that they are witnessing going on on real time.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

This restores (partially) my faith in mankind.

[–] 3 pts

Amen Patriot. Also it arms people with information to their rights and what rights are being violated. Also puts the DOJ and FBI in a Corner as they are well informed on these Nuremberg Codes. This is a Experimental Shot, the damage it can cause may be immediate as we see in some instances or a few years later, to claim it is safe is fraudulent.

[–] 1 pt

This is one sanity side news article I hope doesn’t just gets swept under the carpet and starts making news.

[–] 1 pt
[–] 1 pt

I hope it follows through. The world needs justice again.

[–] 0 pt

Amen Patriot, had found one for Canada a few weeks ago.

[–] 1 pt

... Like the courts and other enforcement centers would give a fuck...

[–] 1 pt

there is an irony here that we need reenforce these rules to protect us from jewish medical experiments

[–] 0 pt

Patriot, Satanist infiltrated many Religions, Look at the Poop, does anyone think he really is working fir God ? I call it Satanists being Satanists.

[–] 1 pt

I really like the part about the media being culpable.

[–] 0 pt

Exactly Patriot. They are calling everyone out involved.

This is good news. Strength in numbers. Remember that handful of docs that supported HCQ? They were canceled pretty quick. The entire hit job on HCQ is another crime people stopped talking about.

[–] 1 pt

Exactly Patriot, they hid the cure to push their crap shot. Time for arrests for Crimes against Humanity.

[–] 0 pt

Why push a vaccine that doesn't appear to work very well and has side effects? Just for the money?

[–] 0 pt

Patriot, I suspect part of Agenda 21 and money.

[–] 1 pt

The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles.

What does this even mean? How did they calculate 100% inaccurate? If its really 100% inaccurate then you could just assume the opposite of the test result was true.

So many of these right wing news outlets exagerate and it just undermines their credibility.

This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases / “infections” detected by the use of this incorrect test.

Do we know what percentage of people who test positive, do so at > 28 cycles? Where did 90% come from.

but double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections.

How do we know this?

This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero immunity to the virus.

I seriously doubt this. The question is whether the benefits outweigh the risks, especially in young people who stand to gain very little from the vaccine because they are unlikely to get seriously ill from it.

Why can’t anybody just make reasonably claims instead of pushing this hyperbole?

[–] 2 pts

PCR is a standard biological technique that has been around for almost four decades.

DNA is a lot of information. Making sense of it is fucking hard, and it's not an accident that we went to the fucking moon decades before just mapping the human genome. It was easier. (Same reason we know we actually went. We didn't have the tech required to fake it.)

PCR is a tool that amplifies a particular bit of DNA to separate the signal from the noise.

But what happens when you run the signal through an amp multiple times? You get feedback.

"Listen! The aliens are talking to us! And it sounds like their language consists of some kind of...high-pitched annoying whine..."


I have a doctor friend who called this in real time for months, before the narrative shift from deaths and hospitalizations to "cases" last fall and the totally coincidental spike in "cases". The CDC changed their guidelines to reduce the number of cycles through the amplifier to a standard level...on January 20th. Presumably the 90% claim is a claim that only 10% of PCR tests were performed correctly.

The same doctor has been saying for months the "vaccine" does not confer immunity, just reduction in symptom severity. I have seen numbers of people getting the Chicom virus after the vaccine.

I can neither confirm nor disconfirm the claim about ER or ICU beds. Sounds like a very country-dependent stat.

But overall? No, the "Fuck belief. The job is to understand science," crowd has been on the money with this the entire time. A lot of these claims are unfortunately not hyperbolic at all.

And this shouldn't be that much of a stretch. If these things were things that never happened...we wouldn't need the laws that make them illegal.

Crimes against humanity are absolutely on the table, and need the full gamut of tools brought to bear: discovery of evidence, cross-examination, the works.

This article is definitely bad at showing its work, though, and most noticeably absent are links to the court documents. Have an upvoat, and if anybody finds the docs, please point me to them.

[–] 0 pt

Annnd now on refresh I see your argument is more sophisticated. lol

Still. This is may be sloppy, but not hyperbolic.

[–] 0 pt

(Same reason we know we actually went. We didn't have the tech required to fake it.)

This is an interesting argument. I honestly never really seriously questioned this but since I found out about the holocaust, everything is a little less certain.

I never thought the PCRs were accurate either, but they seem to show relative trends similar to the death data. So you figure if theres a massive uptick or downtick, something’s going on which will be confirmed 3 weeks later in the death counts. That’s if they’re not fucking with anything else. But of course they just changed the threshhold for PCRs. And who knows when people will actually be switching to the lower cycles. But its not like good data is the goal of these people.

The same doctor has been saying for months the "vaccine" does not confer immunity, just reduction in symptom severity.

Well how are you defining immunity? How do you define infection?

I had chickenpox once. As long as Im healthy, Im probably never going to get another symptomatic case of it, because if I am exposed, although there may be a very minor infection, my immune response will be rapid a will shut it down before I know I have it. Isn’t that immunity?

If I get a vaccination for covid (and I don’t die of a blood clot), something similar will happen, at least if I get the same strain. I will have an 80 or 90 percent lower risk of getting symptoms, given the same level of exposure. At least for a year or two. Isn’t that immunity?

Do you think this is what your friend meant?

I have seen numbers of people getting the Chicom virus after the vaccine.

I would expect older people to get some mild to moderate cases after the vax. But that younger vaccinated people would have assymptomatic or mildly symptomatic infections. I have also assumed that the ADE phenomenon would not occur for a few years. But maybe its already happening.

Unfortunately the sort of people that push that “crimes against humanity” stuff, don’t really do it when their relatives are the perpetrators.

You know its really not an exclusively chicom virus right? You could just as easily call it the WHO virus or the NIAID virus or the UNC Chapel Hill virus. There were multiple collaborators and they were not only chinese. I got those docs if you want them.

I am a pretty sophisticated gal, thanks for noticing!

This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero immunity to the virus.

Yes Fauci admitted this about the covid vaxx. It only treats the symptoms of COVID 19. Never designed for immunity. There's plenty of videos where he talks about this.

[–] 0 pt


You are grossly misunderstanding what he said. I don’t like Fauci but he never said “the vaccine confers 0% immunity and it only ameliorates symptoms” that is ridiculous. You need to cite where you say those videos because I have no idea how to search for him saying something that he didn’t say but that you misunderstood. How would that even work? Its a vaccine not an aspirin.

It was specifically designed for immunity. It causes the immune system to develop an antibody that will later (hopefully) attack the covid virus. Thats how vaccines work.

Perhaps you misunderstood when he said something like “ people that get a ‘breakthrough’ infection will have a milder case”?

The effectiveness rates of the vaccine are based on reduced risk of either 1. Testing positive on a pcr 2. Becoming symptomatic or 3. Being hospitalized

So if he said the effectiveness rates are based on reduced risk of becoming symptomatic maybe thats what you heard?

Like I said. Tons of videos. Here’s one: Fauci on vaccines (finance.yahoo.com)

Here’s some more: Fauci response (dailymail.co.uk)

> Dr Anthony Fauci has cautioned that early COVID-19 vaccines will be focused on preventing symptoms of the virus, not blocking it altogether. Fauci, the nation's leading expert on infectious diseases, made the point on Monday as at least four vaccine candidates near the end of clinical trials and the US reported a record number of new cases in the last week.

[–] 0 pt

What it means is the person who invented the tyest has been pointing out this very fact from the beginning, his Test was not able to distinguish COVID 19 from other Coronaviruses, and stated 85-94 % of the positive results were inaccurate. Labs have tested over 1500 of positive tests and did not find COVID 19. In fact these labs have filed lawsuits on the CDC. Do the research and pay attention. If you do not know what it means then research.

And you are full of crap if you claim it is safe to take the Jab, they have never used M5RNA until now, this is why it is listed as experimental. But then ask, if HCQ and Ivermectin work and are safe, then it is clear the jab was never needed. Common sense goes a long way. The experimental jab has many Doctors coming out against it. Do the research, even in Sweden they have stated these Jabs need to be stopped.

[–] 0 pt

I understand what Kary Mullis said. But it still makes sense to use PCR to detect virus, if you understand its limitations, regardless of what it was ‘meant’ for.

The PCR assays for covid should be able to distinguish sars cov 2 from other coronaviruses because the are testing for sequences that are not present in other coronaviruses like OC43. They can select 3 or 4 sequences in the SARS Cov 2 viruses that are unique and compare them against other genomes in the genome database.

The problem with PCR is not that it is picking up other coronaviruses. It is that it is picking up small amounts of SARS Cov 2 that are not enough to cause infection and that may be dead anyway.

stated 85-94 % of the positive results were inaccurate.....Labs have tested over 1500 of positive tests and did not find COVID 19.

Where are these numbers from?

There was a study that found that samples that only tested positive after 30 cycles could only be cultured 3% of the time. Perhaps that is what you are referencing

That suggests that testing beyond 30 cycles could result in a type I error (false positive) ~97% of the time. But what pecentage of positiive PCR tests only tested positive after 30 cycles? Did anyone study that? I mean, maybe someone did.

The point is, it doesn’t mean all the tests the produced a positive at < 30 cycles are wrong. Or 100% inaccurate or 85% innaccurate. That is just not plausible.

I have paid attention and I know there have been lawsuits. I also like to check the math when people hurl numbers at me. Im interested in just how many false positive have been generated as a proportion. But these sensational articles take numbers out of context and intentionally misinterpret them. And people don’t even bother to check.

Hey everybody PCRs are inaccurate 100% of the time.

I will call that bullshit out every time and I make no apologies. That is a totally unsupportable statement, as are several other statements in this article. Youve got to stay true to exactly what the data is saying. I don’t care who you vote for. There should be no need to exagerate by fudging and distorting the numbers.

And you are full of crap if you claim it is safe to take the Jab,

Why would you assume that? Because I pointed out some untrue stats and claims in this article? I just want accuracy. I dont need my numbers spun in some madison avenue type hot take to appeal to Trump voters.

I have been on here for awhile and on Voat before that. Ive been chronically advocating for ivermectin and HCQ for a year. Ive been advising people where to get them and how to dose them. Ive been posting and commenting on the dangers of vaccines and exactly what the medical nature of the adverse reactions of the vaccines are, and who is most at risk. Ive commented prodigiously on the thromocytopenic and thrombotic complications to this vaccine as well as the anaphylactic and autoimmune complications and the potential risk of future ADE events. I doubt there are too many people on this site that have researched these issues more than me. Ive pored over dozens upon dozens of studies on these subjects in the last year.

But if someone quotes a stat like that they should be able to support it.

1000 lawyers filed lawsuits, the the PCR is wrong 100% of the time and the vaccine confers 0% immunity ever— and if you question any part of this you must be a pro-Fauci Masker! Why are you questioning details like statistics? This is our side, get in line!

I really disagree with this attitude. I need to see the math. If everybody just read the actual studies where all these statistics come from, they wouldn’t be able to fool us so often. What is so threatening about asking for a little evidence and scientific objectivity?

[–] 0 pt

Like O stated the person who created the test came up with the percentages of the tests showing false Positives, A common Cold could get you to test Positive,. But then they silenced the person who created the test.

Check Stanford University. we have had several threads on this topic in the past.

It is a free Country, but if you have done the research then you already know they can not honestly claim the vaccine to be safe. Then read this. And remember that Big Pharma is protected from all liabilities .


[–] -1 pt

Patriot well said. The OP is a wing nut who gives conservatives and Trump supporters a bad name. He and others here and those at great awakening are a bunch of keyboard warriors steeped in delusion.

[–] 1 pt

Does anyone have a link or links to the court cases filed?

[–] 1 pt

Patriot, went to their website, could not find a link..

[–] 0 pt

Nope. Tells you all you need to know. The OP is a con artist reading too many gossip rags while he shits.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah what they are doing is shit. But at this point the Branch Covidians have pissed me off so badly with their sheepish bootlicking nature that I don't care what happens to them. They made their own bed. Lay in it.

[–] 0 pt

Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

protected person

Good thing they ran this scam on jews and not only whites, otherwise this wouldn't apply.

[–] 1 pt

These Satanists are trying to push this crap on everyone. Another reason these Satanists infiltrated most religions, not like the Poop is working for God.

[–] 1 pt

Good thing you called them all satanists, otherwise I might have thought you were talking about those people the Christians let into our churches, banks and neighborhoods!

[–] 0 pt

Patriot, they can claim to be any religion, but are they really ? How many politicians claim they are Christians, NP is one example.

[–] 0 pt

Do you really think (((lawyers))) want what's best for america? Or do you think (((they))) are just trying to cash in on it?

[–] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt

nice find,thanks