If you have to push it this hard perhaps there is something wrong with the jab.
That's funny. Back in the early 2000s if you refused the Anthrax vax you were not eligible for deployment.
When we were deploying , we were not given that option it was forced under UCMJ punishments
I was a civilian contractor and it was get the shots or be fired. I found a friendly medic that just entered it on my record that I got the shot. Only cost me $100.
Medics really are the angels of the military...
^ This is what I find fishy -- why is this particular "vaccine" an optional thing when traditionally soldiers don't have a choice?
It makes me wonder if this ability to choose is intentional to generate these kinds of stories and generate public shaming/guilting of the military OR if military leadership questions the safety of the "vaccines" enough to not force something that could negatively affect their forces.
My thought , purely just opinion, is that it separates the wheat from the chaff so to speak
Yeah, it the virus is so virulent and it's such a contagious life-threatening infection, wouldn't you want to minimise transmission by limiting its contraction and spread by not travelling around the world in 40 days?
Patriot, Time to lead by example by refusing the shot and drop wearing the mask, HCQ works.
Should have thought about that before signing up for the (((army))). Gullible warriors for zog don't deserve respect, and sold their bodies already. When you are dumb enough to sell your body to a corrupt institution, don't be surprised when it gets abused.
We really need to break the meme that joining the army is patriotic. What is patriotic is living your life and embracing freedom here at home. You fight for freedom by living freedom. By getting a job, working 9-5, buying a house, and raising a family, and doing what you want to do to have fun, you do more for freedom than any solider has for this country in a long long time. Name a soldier that has done more. I promise you it's bullshit.
Well you cant work 9-5 and do those things in america kid. Maybe 7-7.
You put guns, vehicles, equipment and buildings in the hands of those who oppose you? good luck with that
You know what this means? It means the military people are paying very close attention to what is going on. They're reading alternative media and thinking for themselves.
Would be fine with me send me out to kill some mother fucking muslims
You don't have to join the army of zog to do that. Do that on your free time instead of on the tax payer's expense. Plane tickets are available.
He probably wouldn't make it back though
That's what happens when the military doesn't defend the constitution.
You allow a fake president into office, and you allow the soldiers to be used as cannon fodder.
You pay the price in blood either way.
at this point there is no point in being in the military. The commander in chief* is an incoherent moron, trannies are walking around in the bases and what the fuck is the point when your leader* is an idiot and there's mentally deranged people near you handling weapons. No point in the US military or a President anymore.
The femorat, far left, multicultural supporting, jew libtards want guns taken from "mentally ill" people so why the fuck are trannies in the military? They're deranged, confused and freaks. It isn't safe.
ClownWorld 2020 starring Blowbama Hussein and Sloppy Joe with co stars Sickening Soros and Kamaltoe the Dindu Hindu.
Don’t look at this as a negative thing.
If more people need to wake up, surely this— and other things like it— will accomplish that to some degree.
I mean after all, patriots are in control and this is part of the script right?
exactly. look at the states.
How many are bucking DC right now?
How many are not following Bidens EO's ? ( making laws so they don't have to)
Did this happen under Obama? It happening now. KEK
(post is archived)