And antifa would want to prevent the certification of a fraudulent election in favor of their candidate.....why? And antifa would want to arrest politicians who've effectively given them legal indemnity all summer.....why?
Were there feds there? Absolutely. Was the entire crowd of 300K feds? No.
The only reason you think it was antifa is because Trump's legal team needs it to be true.
Patriots aren't here for trump though, we're here for America. If Trump wants to disavow them, that's his choice. Don't be surprised if he's not invited to the country afterwards though.
EDIT: Forgot to mention; every antifa event prior to this, they attack small businesses and avoid any building with political relevance. Why change the pattern now?
No really, what benefit would it bring to antifa to attack the politicians that continually give them carte blanche to attack people's homes / businesses?
Lol at reply blocking btw.
No really, what benefit would it bring to antifa to attack the politicians that continually give them carte blanche to attack people's homes / businesses?
To manufacture the excuse to start a new 'war on terror' against the left's political enemies.
Just like they tried to do and are doing.
They were going to do that anyway, or did you not notice that
-AOC promised to make a list of every trump supporter back in november
-they forced you and everyone you know to wear cuck-muzzles for a whole year beforehand
-stole the election by force and deception
-tried for the last 40 years to take people's guns away
"Oh no, it's the fact that people are fighting back, THAT'S why the uniparty is full of tyrannical pieces of shit." Screw your learned helplessness, and start standing up.
Oh fuck off you dumb kike. It’s already proven and on video.
You have proof that 300K people are antifa stand-ins?
Edit : Even better question. Assume that there were thousands of antifa agitators within the crowd (there would at be a few hundred IRL for any trump rally). If the intention of these agitators was opposite to that of the trump supporters, then why didn't the trump supporters simply fight the antifa agitators off when they saw them going for the capitol building? It's because it's a ridiculous proposition, why would trump supporters on jan. 6 defend the politicians who are fucking them in the ass raw by defrauding the US election.
Where in the fuck did I say 300k. Oh wait. I didnt you dumb kike. How many do you think were in the capitol because it sure wasnt 300k or even 1k.
Wow! Yah, can't fix your delusion.
(post is archived)