They already got away with it. And you're quite right, they'll never give you the opportunity to do anything about it again.
Maybe you all shouldn't have wasted the last 4 years obsessing over internet horoscopes, which told you to just sit back and do nothing, because everything will just magically fix itself. Maybe you should have listened to the guys telling you that nothing ever changes unless you make it.
Enjoying the show yet? Because this was the plan all along. But you wouldn't listen to those who tried to tell you.
Hello Glory B. Like I wrote, I have faith in tomorrow... popcorn ready. But as much as I hate to admit this, you may be right. I am asking myself lately... Was this all controlled opposition? Another means of divide and conquer? We will see tomorrow. But after that, I won't subscribe to these LONG GAME projections that are new to this board.
We shall see. Nothing would make me happier than to be wrong about this. Unfortunately, I don't think I am.
To answer your questions, yes and yes.
this! Ive been researching all this shit since the 90's/ Pedo , Satanist , Cabal, NWO. When all you old ladies where getting Hilary haircuts. Remember that? Years later, a horde of old women eating popcron took over, too lazy fat and dumb do do anything about it, but they knew that the second coming of Christ will bring them more popcorn. Hilarious. Arm up Ladies. Do something
What did anyone do differently that had an influence on the outcome?
You didn't do shit either? But you knew it was a joke? What does that say about you? The ultimate form of cowardice - delicious and butter-soft.
Well said. It was one hell of a successful psyop. If there was ever a time to prepare, and go “underground”... it is now.
Well, go around blaming other white nonperverts, because that will be really useful. Re-litigate the past 4 years or the past 40 years. You knew better all along. Arent you clever?
Or, maybe, if white people stop shitting in each other and start focusing on the enemy, we can do something. Stop wasting time passing out black pills. Im talking to you. Stop trying to own boomers. Do something useful instead of this I-told-you-so bullshit.
Nothing can be achieved in small numbers. We've been ready to go, all along. We've been trying to convince you to help us, all along. You're the ones that kept holding us back, insisting we should all do nothing, that everything will fix itself if we sit back and relax, calling us shills and feds and whatnot else for suggesting otherwise.
I don't "I-told-you-so" for fun or satisfaction. There's nothing fun or satisfying about any of this. It's frustrating as hell, watching all the opportunities go by because you lot keep believing in fairy tales and happy endings.
I "I-told-you-so" because I did. You know I did. And I want you to finally snap out of it. And maybe learn from your mistakes. Maybe figure out that anyone who encourages you to do nothing is not your friend. Maybe consider that those who were warning you about this, begging you to listen to reason, were your real friends all along. That maybe they were right about some other things as well.
But you just keep shooting the messenger. To make yourself feel better.
I didn't do this to you. I am not your enemy. I never was.
people are people, self serving to the core. Most of these people are afraid to lose what they have, theyre selfish and scared and want "someone" else to fight there battles. Sorry but Red and Blue people are idiots for ever trusting Politicians. too much TV and brainwashing. cant miss the next episode of survivor etc.
Guess what clever clogs? Im not a qfag. Im not a maga head.
“Weve been ready to go”
Oh yeah? Where’s the boogaloo boys then? Nowhere. Face it. While the qfags trusted the plan, the WNs sat in their mom’s basements bitching about boomers and blackpilling each other.
The protest on the 6th was actually pretty impressive imo, a start at least. Finally some white people got a little angry. But when I look at poal, all I see is WN zoomers bitching that the protest is playing into jew hands. We all better do more nothing! in stead of protesting, say the black pillers. Don’t even try! Surrender to the jews asap. That’s what Ive been hearing from the would-be boogalooers.
There’s plenty of blame to go all around. WNs and zoomers have nothing to brag about. The most dangerous thing here is not Q, it is the BLACK PILL. It is this sort of bitchy bullshit.
If you were ready to go, what was holding you back? Did you need permission from grandma in a maga cap? This is unworthy. We will succeed if we join together. How’s that going to happen when you intentionally destroy the morale of white people on this site. Dont we have jews for that?
White people and nationalist are the problem. They should be removed from all police departments, all military, all healthcare positions, all first responder positions. They should be segregated. They should be forced to live in their own communities, forced to only work for other white nationalist businesses. Only shop and spend money at “Nationalist” places. And absolutely no more white airline pilots.
And absolutely no more white airline pilots.
Who’s going to fly the planes? You are going to have a lot more plane crashes if you bar the people who have the most natural skill at building, maintaining and flying planes.
It would be like if they barred black people from basketball— bad basketball, but then at the end of the game, everybody in the arena dies.
I agree with everything else you said. Whites should be segregated and forced to live in all white ghettos and only use whiteonly facilities. That will teach us. Make us live in caucasian hell holes. We need to be punished.
I for one never shit in other white people.
Thank you for not shitting in white people. That is very decent of you. If you could also not shit on whites as well. I know, I know, it’s a big ask. But could you?
Lets agree that jews are the experts at that and leave it to them.
(post is archived)