I’m there too, sadly. We have all of our eggs in a basket that seems to not have a bottom anymore.
The idea that we are waiting until the last minute to spring some kind of trap, after hearing for almost 4 years about traps that were never sprung, has me in a severe bout of doubt.
Still, there’s just that glimmer left and the timing of this just made my little glimmer of hope a little brighter.
Kinda sums up how I'm feeling now. But with every bit of information that comes out about the Biden's corruption, more people will hear about it, and maybe, and I know that's a big maybe, some kind of justice will be served to them.
Or more importantly, the military won’t act unless it does it’s due diligence of laying out the evidence to the American people, whether the main stream media ignores it or not, or brainwashed sheep believe it or not. That they want to follow the law and get it right.
To put it simply, if our side is honest, they’re going to do their due diligence in an honest fashion lay it out for the world to see and then take the action they need to take.They are going to want to follow the letter of the law so that they are not the ones who are in the wrong.
The military is our last hope to prevent our country from going full on communist. The courts let us down big time. And if the military does the same, I'm afraid it's over.
(post is archived)