Time starts with an initial activation program and a sequence that maps out the possibilities that will happen, by design, through a combined interaction with a computational system and the eco system and ionosphere of the planetoid itself.
The 'end' of the time, is the end of the program, like a book that must start, must have a middle and must have an end.
This end point, the final 'nova' was between 1,000 BC and 0. From that point on, the nations of that world got together to combine their abilities to generate a computational system that would function to add a "space time gradient" to the planetoid. The result was the generation of multiple continents to the west that did not exist prior in the same sense.
All that happened using those devices will be deteriorated as they are held in place using powerful machinery but that is part of a stolen and underground, illegal, enslavement and energy extraction system and must shut down because as you know, parasites cannot outlive the body, the eye cannot see itself.
(post is archived)