Here is a bit better resolution, 2.3MB file. (
Not sure if you checked the archive link I put there. The original is better. I actually compressed a screenshot .
Yes I just did and edited my comment for a better view for anyone interested.
Tx. I would upload my screen, but it's 3.9 megs and my upload sucks. On a 4k screen and the screens can be big.
I bet. You could resize with GIMP or Photoshop, but I understand the poor upload. In the next year or so we are supposed to have fiber available with like 50mbps upload. Right now I think my DSL maxes out at 500k. Pretty rural here, using old copper lines.
Same. Crappy DSL. Considering going dish. Hughs or w/e the other is. Last time I looked Hughs seemed better to me. The OP pic is the fairly large screen capture I took- opened in GIMP and exported with some compression.
(post is archived)