I still remember the videos of Chinese 'dropping while walking' during the WuFlu scare. It MUST be true if they're showing us videos of it happening. They wouldn't lie to us.
I still remember the videos of Chinese 'dropping while walking' during the WuFlu scare. It MUST be true if they're showing us videos of it happening. They wouldn't lie to us.
Same Shit Different Day..
New Year. New scarient.
Smart move: freeze all traffic from china. All traffic.
Of FFS. Just stop
I mean, does anyone really believe it after everything they released in 2020 about covid was proven to be bullshit? Do they really expect us to fall for it twice? Maybe I'm overestimating American niggers.
Let's hope not. Resistance will be much more formidable this time. The (((DS))) is fighting for its life, they will try to throw everything at us at once.