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[–] 0 pt

Islam makes women subservient to men because of their inherently greedy nature, and lack of personal responsibility

Islam makes women subservient to men because of men’ inherently greedy nature. All creatures of evolution are greedy, polygamy appeals to male greed.

They used to be respectful, raise families, and follow their biological imperatives. That was when men controlled them.

In monogamy men and women are controlled sexually— it is a power sharing agreement. Women did not want divorce initially. Women were still homemakers and had no independent income. They spent most of their time taking care of children. Men wanted divorce. The divorce revolution was led by men who felt monogamy was old fashioned and wanted to run around with their secretary. It was male driven. Women didnt really leave the home until the 70s and 80s.

So you see males lost respect for women as well. I remember what men were saying about women who stayed home in the 80s. They said they were lazy. Men complained about the ball and chain. Welp, no ball and chain anymore eh? Women initiate divorce now because women have jobs, which they got because men started divorcing them. Why are men so greedy? Lol

Women do not use logic, they deal in emotions.

Apparently this woman uses more logic than you. I keep trying to explain to you the sexual dynamics from an evolutionary framework. But you have a perpetual case of the vapors claiming that women are just mean and males need to be more ultra masculine. You live under the illusion of free choice. Evolution drives behavior. Males act in their own interest. Females act in their own interest. Your magic Yaweh did not make females bad and males nice. You’re such an irrational little thing!

You cite an article from Discovery Magazine, rather than something from 'Nature,' or maybe 'Biological Anthropology.' Hilarious

I cited the midwit version because I assume you won’t digest the grown up one. But have at it. https://henrich.fas.harvard.edu/files/henrich/files/henrich_boyd_richerson_2012.pdf

Women are able to do this because they can get all of their help from Big Daddy government. The same government that punishes men in those divorces for giving women everything they want.

Agree. Women have an advantage now and they are pressing it. We need to go back to monogamy, in which men and women have equal power.

Islam is right about women.

Islam is wrong about men. It gives men too much power and they use it to fuck each other over. Men become corrupt in islam because of polygamy. When you give males too much leeway they fuck 9 year olds. And goats. And go around cutting each others heads off. Why are men so greedy? REeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Muslim countries are shitholes and its down to men.

Men are "swayed" by culture because it is seperate from biology--which is genetically determined. You don't seem to understand the difference. Genetics are a lottery sweetie. As far as genes go, the human genome does not activate all genes. Lol. You cannot control populations through executions, etc.

Culture and genetics are controlled by evolution. They evolve together within evolution. Genetics are not a lottery. Not at the population level. Evolution did not end with the pleistocene. Evolution is speeding up because of increased population and increased competition.

You cannot control populations through executions, etc.

It is amazing that you think this. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40806-017-0115-7

I found that in 30 seconds. 2% of the male population of europe was executed or died in prison every generation from the 11th century onwards. You dont think thats a selection process?

Finally, I will tell you why it is the Jews that control you--more easily than they control men ....blah, blah Hollywood

Jews are social parasites. I mean literally. Within evolution. They do not choose to be that way! They are a sub-species that has evolved to exploit a niche. They avoid having to expend resources building a society from the ground up with infrastructure, because they exploit other societies for those things.

Complex, economically diversified civilizations need bureaucracies to coordinate information economic and otherwise. Bureaucracies are pure overhead which produce no wealth. Jews use mimicry to infiltrate other societies’ bureacracies and live off of them while distorting the cultural information in their favor. They do this automatically. They control other societies, other cultures through the bureacracies, through cultural institutions.

They have been selected for this niche since the bronze age, at least. Members of their society that dont have traits like deception, pilpul, chutzpah, whatever, drop out and assimilate in to host societies. Occassionally they take on new members with the necessary traits. Living as itinerants and following a racial cult has absolutely shaped and molded them —culture has imposed an intense selection process! That aint a fucking lottery! They evolved to be like that. If you take away the jewish religion they still act like that. The spaniards found that out after they tried to fix the jews by making them convert.

In fact gypsies and irish travellers have similar traits minus about 20 or 30 IQ points. But they arent related to jews at all. Thats because itineracy breeds for certain behavioral traits. Which are observable within just a few generations. Just like with polygamy, or as I call it “Guys Gone Wild”

Keep blathering about facebook or hollywood. You are missing the root of the problem. Both in sexual politics and the JQ. Probably because of your excess emotions and lack of logic.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I've read some funny Jewish/liberal female nonsense in my time. But you really push the envelope. It's cool with me. The more you try to argue with me, the more sophomoric you look.

Your arguments read like a playground tiff between a couple of 10 year olds.

"Islam makes women subservient to men because of men’ inherently greedy nature. All creatures of evolution are greedy, polygamy appeals to male greed."

I don't know if I should take this opening sentence as serious or not? Hmmm, so if polygamy appeals to male greed, then polyamory appeals to a female's stubborn and reprehensible behavior when it comes to all decisions. You probably don't know what polyamory means, watch some videos on it to educate yourself. Or look up an article. It doesn't matter. It is tried and true.

By the way, this is a perfect example of a female not taking responsibility for her's, or her sexes actions. But keep using the, "I'm rubber you're glue," tactics. It entertains me, and it proves my points I made in previous statements.

The next bit of nonsense you wrote has no rational connection to the present. Trying to establish divorce rates from the 80's in connection with those in the present.

This was hilarious, cause it just shows that you have no understanding of the Jewish push against women to join the workforce. So let's examine the push.

It destroys the fabric of society by neutralizing the need for the nuclear family. Women do not want to have children when they are career wahmen. It is because they make their own money! They don't need no man. But there are consequences. They lose their beauty at 30 years old. Then they can't understand why the high value men pursue girls in their 20's. Finally, they wonder where all the good men went. 🤷‍♂️

Second, your argument does not stand on its merits unless you have which sex initiated divorces.
But I can clear that up for you (since women don't take personal responsibility for their actions). Whoops, there it is again, that old personal responsibility that you can't live with.

Here's the contemporary divorce rates: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/highest-divorce-rate

Here are divorce rates from the 80's:


In the latter article, there is a section that declares who was petitioning for divorces in the year, 1987. Those numbers are as follows: wives-60.7%, husband's-32.7%. The 1980's were some of the highest years recorded (by the CDC) for divorces. Your lack of, "logic" is showing.

The former article represents that the US has the third highest divorce rate in the world. And yes, it is because we live in a gynocentric society where women never take personal responsibility for their actions. They are spoiled, entitled, wretches, given whatever they want through the corrupt judicial system run by ZOG. We don't live in a society where masculinity/male logic is valued, and unfortunately, women are actually taken seriously for all their nonsensical claims.

I didn't want to have to go into my microbiology/human variation background to prove you wrong about genetics (and what you pose as culture) having impacts on genetic drift within a society. But I suppose I will. This is tiring because I know you are wrong. Especially, with genetic bottlenecks. So here we go.

A genetic bottleneck is the most viable mechanism for evolution within a species. When a population becomes so small that their genetic variation is greatly reduced. (Say a volcanic eryption causes this occurence.) Populations can be greatly reduced. It results in circumstances where specific genotypes are left, coding for specific phenotypes, that materialize as specific hair color, eye color, and even brain size, etc.

By your foolish account (backed up by a psychology article):

"We culled our own population of exploiters and deceivers and rule breakers for thousands of years to get the modern white man. If we no longer enforce any of those strict laws, the genetics of white men will return to nignog because of entropy. White men need to be controlled through cultural institutions just like women. Culture works as a device of natural selection, favoring some genetic traits over others."

That is not how evolution works. And it does not account for interbreeding with individuals from other populations, nor does it account for invading countries, etc. I agree that culture creates a mechanism for that which people must abide by to survive. But your evolutionary mechanism for shaping genotypes within a population is drivel. Plus, you would need greatly detailed census records from the 11th century onward to back your claim that populations were on those low levels to create those genetic bottlenecks.

Evolution takes thousands of years. Erratic changes may only result in circumstances of genetic bottlenecks, where populations get so low, that genotype is reduced to very few individuals within the gene pool. Thus, bottlenecks (caused by natural disasters, not executions) shrink genetic diversity. Here ya go:


And white men developed the way they did because they faced harsh (cold) environmental factors to survive. They had to adapt to cold environments in building shelters, and hunting game. Our phenotypic advantages are that Whites have more narrow nasal passages than other races to warm cold air before it reaches their lungs. Nog's are stupid because they never had to create anything to survive. Africa is warm, easy to make shelters, and there is plentiful game. Hence, phenotypic advantages in blacks present as femoral joints being at specific angles which provide speed in chasing said game. I have personally examined ethnic differences in human bones, I know what I am talking about. We developed like this for specific reasons. Unless you can produce evidence for outlying factors that I described above, your arguments continue to be invalid.

To address your comments on the Jews. Most of that information I already know; but thanks for the review.

In conclusion, the arguments you have presented is atypical of a female. You present psychological crap which is based in emotional thought (Sigmund Freud was a fucking hack) and other such nonsense that you can't prove with facts. If you do present articles, I can punch holes in them all day long.

You can't disprove that we live in a gynocentric society that is centered around elevating women into positions of power because the Jew knows you are all good little consumers. You are greater than men at consuming crap. Look up some psychological articles about consumerism, you will find women are much better at enriching the Jews than men are. That is why they elevate you to those positions.

Keep dreaming about how you believe the world works. You're wrong. I guarantee you most people on this site will agree with me. This is not based off emotions, just facts. Islam is right about women. I don't give two fucks about other aspects of the religion. So keep yammering on about why "Islam is wrong about men..." I don't care.