I read the rust article trying to understand what Rust offers that C#, Java, Javascript, Python, C++, Go, etc. does not. The language looks a little like all the ones I just mentioned. It seems to offer some syntactic sugar like omitting "return" in some cases. It appears to be highly typed to safeguard programmers, unlike C++. I but I like C++ with its flexibility to cast data types to (*void). C# has the concept of var and so does Rust.
Rust claims to offer assembly level speeds like Go and C++. Well...?
To me, Rust is just another attempt at creating yet another language a group of dedicated engineers will try to maintain on multiple platforms until the next Go and Rust are developed.
No thanks. I'll stay with my old Ansi C++ compiler. It works just fine on every computing platform I've ever seen. Code I wrote 10 years ago continues to work just fine today.
Rust is like elixir, it's more hassle to learn than its worth. Im working on a poal clone using elixir and phoenix, and holy fuck, shit that is intuitive in other languages, makes close to no sense in this language/framework. There's pattern matching which is nice, but than dynamic/filtered pattern matching doesnt really exist, and dont get me started on associations between tables, the shit is aggravating to work with. It's also based off where i have looked not popular at all
Rust may not be revolutionary, but it has its benefits. No pointers and type safety are probably a good decision (except for low level stuff). Its type system also allows good optimization and Rust code seems to be faster than C (benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net).
Although I haven't worked with it much yet, I like Rust's tooling: cargo as a convenient package manager and rustdoc as a builtin documentation tool.
The reason why it's so overhyped on Reddit etc. is probably because the language is developed by literal antifa faggots at Mozilla.
I believe the reason these new languages appear is because the developers are being asked to come up with a way to hire less expensive people to write software. Remove the requirement to free resources, make it impossible to use the wrong data type. Force compilers to enforce various coding practices, etc.
Coding requires abstract thinking. It requires attention to detail. It requires imagining edge cases. It requires imagining all use cases. It requires design. No new language can enforce that. All a language can do is make it more difficult to implement things. A good IDE can add syntactic sugar to make coding certain patterns easier. That's about it.
(post is archived)