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  1. FLIR Devices (Forward Looking Infrared Devices)
  2. RANGE-R – Hand Held Obstacle Penetrating Radar
  3. FADS – Frisk At Distance Scanners
  4. ZBVs – Z-Backscatting Vans
  5. GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment
1. FLIR Devices (Forward Looking Infrared Devices) 2. RANGE-R – Hand Held Obstacle Penetrating Radar 3. FADS – Frisk At Distance Scanners 4. ZBVs – Z-Backscatting Vans 5. GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts (edited )

FLIR: These have actually been around for almost 20 years

I didn't realize the late 70s was just 20 years ago. I'm stupid.

The device is even older, the early 60s.

[–] 2 pts

Unless you have a metal lined house and metal lined clothing, various forms of tech can see through your everything.

[–] 1 pt

Copper mesh embedded into concrete will likely stop the radar devices.