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[–] 0 pt 1y (edited 1y)

Tyranny Of The Majority...

Wat? That's not a thing to worry about. The US for example is experiencing Tyranny Of The Minority which is what all (((democracy))) suffers from. Also he's saying a lot of bullshit about taxes. The top 1% do not pay 40% of the taxes, not close. Maybe the top 10% -> 1.00000000000...00001% do but the top 1% pay virtually no taxes relative to their income.

Then this ignores that taxes are theft and 90% of taxes are paid by the middle, the Whites. * yes I know my last two statements don't fit together mathametically but neither do any of his statements from the (((video))).

The top 70% are paying 50% of taxes paid.

So he's claiming from 70th percentile to 10th percentile are only paying 10% of the total taxes as his claim of 10th percentile to 0the percentile pay 40%. This video is jewish, his lies are jewish, (((OP))) intentionally flipped a true quote on it's head and completely reverse the entire idea.

e; For Example, the majority CAN NOT be tyrannical because they are the majority, if they want something then (((democracy))) necessitates that it is they who get what they want. That's a fundamental principle and the stated goal of (((democracy))). That isn't how it,(((democracy))) works though. It works through Tyranny Of The Minority which (((OP))) is trying to subvert.

And what a time of this subversion. While the US goes through specifically a pointed series of events that display, completely and perfectly what Tyranny Of The Minority is. Think trannykikes.

ee; Just watched the full video, guy explains Tyranny Of The Minority but his retardation prevents him from speaking proper English.

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[–] 0 pt 1y

virtually no taxes relative to their income.

And there's that asterix behind which you will hide from people who call out your lies.