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[–] 11 pts (edited )

I remember when this info came out immediately after the shooting. It got me memory holed pretty quickly. I still have the screen shots I took of his FB, at the time I wasn't 100% sure it was him. I hate saying this retarded shit, but.. could you imagine the shit storm that would accumulate if a white cop shot a nigger (in ANY circumstance), and it was found out that cop had pro white sentiments on his FB. He would be in jail, no doubt about it. They would find a way to put him in prison, just like Chauvin. And all of the nigger cops would come out of the woodwork to crucify him and testify against him, just like Chauvin, BUT none of that will happen, instead, the government, the majority of people, and the MSM, all just cheer on the nigger for shooting an evil whitey..... this shit is sickening

South Africa, here we come!

[–] 4 pts

It got me memory holed pretty quickly.

Yeah people just let it go. I don't know why it's being reported now as if it's new news.

[–] 3 pts

The media has inculcated the masses with such a low attention span, anyone privy to this news when it first came out will just say "seen it already ...", those that haven't will be like "this is old news" and everyone will move on. Now if we had actual law enforcement , political establishment and everyday individuals that weren't corrupt or inept and fought tooth and nail to have shit properly investigated and sorted straight away and didn't stop - no matter how long it took - until it was, then maybe everyone wouldn't be so blasé ...

[–] 5 pts

And cuckberg did noffin

[–] 1 pt

Cuckburg did exactly what he was told.

[–] 4 pts

This is all for the purpose of demoralization. Have kids, spend more time with other white folks, prepare for the worst.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Honestly IDGAF. Only an utter moron would go up there and LARP revolutions. Revolution is not a game. If you were a revolutionary you would spend a ton of time researching guerilla action, propaganda and building a small network to operate out of. You would be willing to die, but only after youve made a serious attempt at kickstarting wider action that can move on with out you.

One thing you would not fucking do, is follow a Zionist Bufoon and glow niggers into the capital building on day and time everyone on the planet knows about.

The first rule of guerrilla warfare, is to never engage in an action that can conceivable end in you getting shot or getting captured. There was no to plan to do anything the 16th. They engaged in an action that could only fail, and it did and empowered our enemies as a result.

[–] 7 pts

You DGAF becUse you don't and will never do anything besides keyboarding. At least those people went to DC to protest. No one was trying to start a revolution. They were led in to the capitol by cops and actors

[–] 3 pts

I dont understand why the MAGA movement did not hold their ground.

We are talking as "Storming the Capitol" ia taking it too far.

Basically the left has been burning, looting, murdering, advocating violence..

And all the MAGAs ever did.. Was walk into the Capitol after they were allowed to.

Unsure about election fraud? Who gives a shit.

At least try to promote voter ID ot some bullshit about mail voting.

Meanwhile the left literally advocates defunding the police.. But no... Storming the Capitol is were they draw the line.

Where is the right's activism?

Where arw the right's posters?

Where is the right when it comes to cancelling people? People get fired for tanning too much during summer, and the right can't "cancel" a Subsaharan bitch that says crap like "Whites are committing suicide at record levels.. And that is great".

[–] 0 pt

and you stil believe it was "patriots" doing those things lololol...you believe trump told them to do it?

it's called antifa literally joined in to disrupt it and cause chaos...jew tactics are the same

[–] 0 pt

I know what happened. Police let the crown up to the doors and windows. Antifa smashed the windows and opened the doors and went in. Run of the mill trump tards filed in behind them.

[–] 0 pt

it's not a crime to be naive though...it may be frustrating for those of us who are not, but those "trumptards" did nothing wrong, you can't have security let you into a building and then use your "presence" in said building to charge you with crimes after the fact (for those who didn't engage in violence I mean, plenty of people being investigated that were the "sightseerer's" just walking through.

[–] 3 pts

Shhh. You gonna get him moved to management!

[–] 2 pts

What a stupid government nigger

[–] 2 pts

America is conquered. He is one of your new overlords. Stop trying to call management, they don't answer to you anymore

[–] 1 pt

The fact he isn't in prison pending his trial is why the Democrat morons are all hiding in bunkers. Guilty swine.

[–] 1 pt

It is a fucking coward,keel haul the bastard.

[–] 1 pt

In John Wick, bounties were put on people for top hitmen to legally kill them. This guy needs to be on one. Stupid filth.

[–] 0 pt

if gretta thumberg and blm can make statues I think Ashli should get one too. Would contribute $$ to it.

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