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[–] 18 pts

Notice how polite and hesitant the reporters are now? And how quickly they accept every ridiculous BS answer without any attempt at follow-up? Contrast with the angry and hostile questions to Trump.

[–] 6 pts

Exactly,the media has their'kid gloves' on at all times.

[–] 5 pts

One party nation. Just as (((they))) planned.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Should include a 4th set of parenthesis to include our occupied white house

[–] 3 pts

All our major institutions are occupied by them.

[–] 8 pts

one of the comment in Japanese: ホームレスの10%近くは退役軍人の国だものね。 下級の兵士は使い捨てですか。 Translate: Nearly 10% of homeless people are veterans. Are lower class soldiers disposable?

[–] 1 pt

Apparently lower class people are but those who want an actual boarder are so mean!

[–] 7 pts

A despicable and punchable bitch in a fake administration of traitors. They all need a meat hook.

[–] 6 pts


Hopefully they learn a lesson from sleeping on the floor.

[–] 6 pts

what a dodge!!!

psaki skirts immigrants getting hotel rooms--doesn't mention it at all

[–] 6 pts

I really wish reporters would call them out with "you didn't answer my question..." instead of invariably letting them off the hook.

[–] 5 pts

All I can see is zuck damn it.

[–] 4 pts

You almost have to admire how skilled kikes are at weaseling their way out of difficult questions. She basically avoided the question while implying everything they did with the troops was perfect and beyond reproach.

.....to see they got what they deserved. That's telling.

[–] 3 pts

notice how she says "the President" but doesn't state "Bidan" then lists off stuff that Trump did.

[–] 1 pt

Haha yes. And it took a while to find out about the conditions that the National Guard were dealing with, but as soon as we did, we immediately reached out to see what we could do to improve morale.... wtf?

[–] 3 pts

Ferchrissakes. Biden called up the head of the NG to see if he could give assistance. He's supposedly the Commander in Chief. A true leader would have gotten the NG head on the phone and told him that the conditions weren't acceptable and to fix it. Such a damn imposter. Fucking clown world.

[–] 2 pts

I'm shocked someone even asked.

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