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Ok. Look, I don't want to give the name because doxxing. I was just up the hill at my Grandparent's property doing construction when this saga was going down.

Lots of the more gory details I got not from the news or police report or from court but rather from her sister who got it from his son.

What happened is that this cousin had started off by letting the older sister move in with him to help him care for his children. She's a bit off but good hearted and cared well for the three children in the house. Meanwhile cousin has an ongoing feud with an ex girlfriend who had custody of his fourth son. That changes later as I helped him gain custody. Very ugly as this other ex girlfriend I ran off one night after she tried to set him up for assault but unfortunately for her I witnessed the set up and the cops sent her away. She had a small dog with her which in her anger she threw out the car after her mom picked her up. Little dog was laying dead on the road the next day. This didn't help that one in court.

So, fast forward and my cousin moves the younger sister in while the older sister is caring for her terminally ill father. Meanwhile my cousin is trying to keep this a secret but I caught him when I came to visit the kids and bring some presents for them. I of course told the older sister and she was furious that her sister had moved in on "her" man. I tried to tell her to forget about him but she was more heartbroken because she loved the kids most of all.

Things kind of died down so to speak but I did warn my cousin he was playing with fire, especially with the younger sister. She's a scheming nutcase. Up on the hill at my Grandparents property when I was outside I could clearly hear them arguing. I couldn't understand the words but I could here them through the trees and up on the hill. Sound carries.

Then one day all was quiet again. I'm assuming this is just post murder? Meanwhile I started getting calls from the older sister about her younger sister not visiting her five kids or messaging any of them. She'd kind of dropped off the map? Even a year later there's still concern because no one's heard from this woman. Usually she was at least messaging some of her kids and trying to stir up trouble with her five ex husbands. My cousin just says they argued and she took off. That's all we know.

So, my cousin has always used his oldest son who was 14 at the time of the murder for financial support. The son would get a check for $600.00 and my cousin would use that for food. His adoptee dad (My great uncle) let's him stay in this old house for free. It's jointly owned by three of my relatives which causes some contention but not enough to kick him out and no one wants to deal with it.

This is where the secret gets blown out. My cousin taking his son's support checks for being learning disabled. Basically all that's wrong with the kid is a shitty dad and dyslexia as well as impulse control and being undisciplined.

So fast forward three years and the kid is 17 and wants his own money to buy a car. Dad basically tells him to fuck off, he's not getting control of his own money. In town the argument starts up again as he watches his dad spending his money. Kid runs off in a rage and goes straight to the police with this story.

Cops come out, locate the remains in a shallow grave and arrest my cousin. He pleads no contest and is in jail now. For how long I have no idea but I think he fucked himself by not explaining the circumstances in court. To me it was a crime of being provoked beyond reason. The woman set him up and he lost it.

So, what happened? (this I got from the older sister later): He had kicked this woman out after the first time she had him arrested. I get these details later so the silence I had heard was actually after the first arrest, NOT when the woman was murdered. The older sister had helped him when he got out of jail to get his now four kids back in his custody. The younger sister is no longer welcome and my cousin is now aware of the shit storm he created. The older sister helps him but refuses to move back in with him. She's only helping for the sake of the kids so they are not in foster care and all split up.

So, my cousin is sleeping in a back room and has the oldest son sleeping in a front room that has an outside exit/entrance. I helped build that space a few years before this all started.

The father hears some sort of noise and walks in on the younger sister fucking his 14 year old son. Now, a sensible person would just call the cops and have her arrested but my cousin is not sensible. He starts screaming at her and smacks her in the face a bit. That's when she makes threats to put him back in jail and fuck his son while he's in jail and also claims that when his youngest son (four years old at that time) is old enough, she'll be fucking him too. That's when he picks up an electric solid wood bodied guitar and swings it at her to break her arm. That's when she starts screaming, "Don't kill me!!!". He picks up one of those hand dumbells and crushes her skull.

Now here is where it gets worse. He retreats back to his room leaving this bloody mess of a woman on his son's bed to recover his wits. His son goes to the kitchen, gets a plate of spaghetti, returns to the room, sits by the body and eats the food. The older sister who was talking to the son after the court trial and sentencing tells me she asked him point blank why he would do this and the response is mind blowing. "Because I was hungry".

Dad recovers, goes to the room and orders his son to go dig a grave. Son has zero abilities and refuses. Dad tells him that if he doesn't go dig a grave he will "end" his son also so son tries to dig a grave and doesn't really know how. Dad puts body in defunct old fridge out back of the house where it rots for a time until he gets a grave dug later that month. He dumps the nasty rotten body in the grave and thinks that's the end of it. So for three years it was until his son ran off and ratted him out.