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They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care.

This video keeps getting removed from youtube. Synopsis of video (medicalkidnap.com)

Ivermectin dosing guide. (files.catbox.moe) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research.


They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care. This video keeps getting removed from youtube. [ Synopsis of video](https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/09/i-cant-keep-watching-patients-die-needlessly-medical-professor-testifies-to-congress-that-covid-cure-already-exists-with-ivermectin/) [ Ivermectin dosing guide.](https://files.catbox.moe/ze7m3n.pdf) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts

It exists, it's just not worth all of the lock down drama it's receiving.

[–] 3 pts

jewflu isn't real Moshe.

No isolate.

No virus.

I'm not asking for 3D, hi-def videos of subatmoci particles. I'm asking for an identifiable picture of a virus. Something an amateur biologist could get.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

You're repeating lies and misinfo.

Covid-19 was fully sequenced back in March. The entire genome is available here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN908947

This was viral RNA found in a live sample taken from a sick person, not from a computer simulation or anything of that nature:

Metagenomic RNA sequencing of a sample of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from the patient identified a new RNA virus strain from the family Coronaviridae, which is designated here 'WH-Human 1' coronavirus (and has also been referred to as '2019-nCoV'). Phylogenetic analysis of the complete viral genome (29,903 nucleotides) revealed that the virus was most closely related (89.1% nucleotide similarity) to a group of SARS-like coronaviruses (genus Betacoronavirus, subgenus Sarbecovirus) that had previously been found in bats in China

It's a run-of-the-mill coronavirus. Just another strain of something that humans have lived through, and died by, since the dawn of time as we know it. Long before anyone understood what was causing the symptoms, let alone conceived of the technology required to capture or analyze or image a thing so small.

Do you think small things did not exist, before we figured out how to cast a stream of electrons at them, and generate an image from the way they scatter? Do you think the symptoms were any less real or deadly, before we started taking "pictures" or the things that caused them? Do you even realize that any such "pictures" which you are requesting would have to be, inevitably, computer-generated simulations, constructed from a stream of data, because it is impossible to image things that small by "taking a photo" in the conventional sense?

Nothing about this virus requires or warrants faking. Faking it would take more effort than just grabbing a random seasonal strain of a coronavirus that's making its rounds, as they always do. Which is literally what they did.


I'm not asking for 3D, hi-def videos of subatmoci particles. I'm asking for an identifiable picture of a virus. Something an amateur biologist could get.

It takes a bit more than an amateur to actually do this, but finding it was really not that difficult. Did you even try looking for it?

Figure 2: Electron Micrographs of Vero cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 (files.catbox.moe)

From: Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19 (Feb 2020) (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

[–] 1 pt

This is the best comment on the subject. The mutation is real, but our response is manufactured. I personally know it's real because I experienced a sickness I've never experienced in almost four decades of life, then later learned it matched everyone else's c-19 experience, timeline and everything. Especially the extreme fatigue and complete loss of taste. Never in my life had I experienced either. I can admit that the testing my family did could have been false positives for c-19, but I can't accept that I would experience a new kind of sickness at the exact same time, and it be a magical coincidence.

Viruses constantly mutate, and might even be mutated in labs, so to just assume that there is no virus at all is kind of insane. It's like the opposite of retarded leftists who think that it's some end of the world sickness that requires the forfeiture of our basic human rights. We could have just locked downs travel and worked on effective treatments to cut down on the loss of life. Which, in reality was probably just 20-30,000 people, similar to a bad flu. But we could have saved thousands of those people if the gov didn't intentionally block effective treatments, just to get us to accept a bullshit vaccine.

[–] 1 pt

All you say is of course correct, but it has not been isolated according to the CDC this summer 2020.

I dont want to nitpick , but uneducated anticlutch is correct about the strange lazy oddity of the sars-2 virus never yet being isolated on its own, though its broken up parts are sequenced fully and its assumed to be just another relative of sars-1 coronavirus so the effort of isolating it is just a pedantic task.

Also it does not change the fact that the virus can only be obtained by researchers in a slurry matrix from lab bred varvet simians... .. or on a growth medium tested for viral payload before shipment. in both cases the samples include hundreds of unwanted bacteria strains, other virus, virus and bacterial encapsulated "spores", fragments of past lysed and broken microbiotics, fungi, even fragments of material from single celled parasites fractured when strained through a ceramic filter prior.

luckily and happily trace zinc is in lab growth culture so the drugs (HCQ) that are 99% efficacy in vivo (dying patients) is the same 99% efficacy in vitro too , just as papers from 2005 for sars-2. This shocking 2020 paper revealed first in vitro growth and suppression via HCQ in human dose concentration, and efficacy measured in triplicate and by three lab teams (nine full reproductions) :

Andreani - Didier Raoult : 2020.04.17 - In Vitro Testing of Combined Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin on Sars-Cov-2 Shows Synergistic Effect


that paper details specifically the type of soup used to feed the virus being studied for the drug.

in summary... unlike all other human pathogens... the CDC never has yet made available a vial of the pure ISOLATED sars-2.

"It is not isolated yet", and CDC web site used that exact typed phrase one time I looked.

shotgun sequencing of it is trivial because its a single strand virus and the thing is a coronavirus and specifically a sars coronavirus, so its easy to locate among all the garbage floating loose around it... but its still not an isolate.

Anticlutch is a uneducated fool though

Anticlutch thinks ultraviolet microscopes in expensive private high schools can photograph sars-2 ! Proof of Anticlutch retardation here: https://files.catbox.moe/ctpvms.jpg

[–] 1 pt

Oh I love it a man that can do research beautiful bravo 👍🏻 Thank you for this information

[–] 0 pt

It’s not isolated, that’s just the pilpul definition of isolation meaning a mixture of cells, extra cellular debris, and other chemicals, in which some of the cells die which leads to the claim that a virus MUST be there.

It’s not observed; they sequence these so-called viruses using theoretical algorithms that extrapolate and interpolate most of the base pairs.

You’re just repeating mainstream pseudoscientific bullshit assertions.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Because the SARS-2 virus and its 11 mutated versions are all well documented each and every genetic base pair... i assumed months ago that claims like yours were not true, but you are sadly correct.

The CDC and all of science admits that the SARS-2 virus, though trivial to map out, has never ever been isolated, like any other virus has.

there is not a single actual pure isolated sample of the whole virus in any lab freezer, and it is NOT ISOLATED, but exists in computer databases.

There are no possible identifiable pictures, but the surface was 3d protein modeled by protein folding computer programs to generate simulated photos.


Nevertheless, sars-2 is probably real and assumed to be the cause of covid-19 infections

A skeptic would claim its all made up, but something got wuhan residents sick.

= = = = = - - - - - -- -
EDIT addendum :

The 11 version strains of SARS-2 (covid-19) are named after letters of the alphabet and tracked country region to country region with great interest.

9 are listed on this page : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_strains_of_COVID-19

11 are in the last paper I read

11 versions of covid-19 sars-2

7 major branches in july 2020 : https://phys.org/news/2020-08-strains-sars-cov-.html that page overlook L strain 7% the official killer strain. It omits L strain because China prevented tabulation count data on strain L. 7 major branches not 6 though, and 11 total if pedantic.


Its called science.

Anticlutch thinks ultraviolet microscopes in expensive private high schools can photograph sars-2 ! Proof of Anticlutch retardation here: https://files.catbox.moe/ctpvms.jpg

[–] 0 pt

Because the SARS-2 virus and its 11 mutated versions

Oh (((you))).

[–] 0 pt

Prove it exists? Because no one else has.

It’s a virtual virus. It exists only in silico.


No, seriously, offer evidence for your claim that “it exists” so we can see how someone describes a virus that isn’t scientifically observable in any way.