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They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care.

This video keeps getting removed from youtube. Synopsis of video (medicalkidnap.com)

Ivermectin dosing guide. (files.catbox.moe) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research.


They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care. This video keeps getting removed from youtube. [ Synopsis of video](https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/09/i-cant-keep-watching-patients-die-needlessly-medical-professor-testifies-to-congress-that-covid-cure-already-exists-with-ivermectin/) [ Ivermectin dosing guide.](https://files.catbox.moe/ze7m3n.pdf) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

The notion that people are getting sick from covid is a true notion.

Ivermectin’s antiviral and antibacterial properties were already demonstrated well before the covid epidemic. Theyve used it on HIV and Dengue Fever. It has broad antiviral properties. It should also inhibit Influenza A and zika

Also interestingly it works on leprosy and tuberculosis and may also kill a bacteria related to these that is implicated in Crohn’s disease. It will also cure rosacea if you apply it topically. Oh and it also kills flesh eating MERSA. I have literally read these boring studies. Here is some indian doctor describing bpmechanism of action if you ar einterested. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GZoBAuR4ajs&t=360s

[–] 0 pt

nobody got sick from Covid because it’s a Jewish hoax meant to push the vaccine which is Jewish ritual murder they want to track you with the swab that they stick in your brain we’re by infection to your mucus and blood with the antigen poison nobody died from the Covid Cove it is nothing but a fucking lie all the Jewish doctors are dancing on TickTock because they’re so fucking bored because the hospitals are empty because there is no Covid it is not even the sniffles it is it is rebranded from the cold it is nothing is nothing but fear mongering all those statistics in cases is Nothing but crisis actors in order to manipulate people into fear into getting that also by saying that it’s a new normal that we can’t go back to normal unless we get the vaccine but the vaccine will kill you so there is no going back to normal they just want to murder people it’s Jewish ritual murder only way to go back to normal is to exterminate the Jews because they want to do that millions of people like gates the Jew and Fauci the jew

[–] 1 pt

I can see why you think that since you are not very smart. But actually it is a very bad flu which killed 30 times more people in the last year in the US than the average flu. It was engineered by chinks. Fauci funded the research (in collaboration with a jew named Daszak— that should make you feel better. Doesnt conflict with your all jews all the time global theory)

[–] 0 pt

Look you retard or you’re a fucking jew that is a contest with schizophrenia because he’s a fucking due there’s already a video of him and changing his mind about the masks there’s already thousands literally thousands of doctors that have already proven it’s a hoax so fuck off jew. Everybody is savvy to the Jews and their lies and the more you try to push your backstabbing lies the more people will wake up you expose yourself for your lies and your victim hood tactic bullshit won’t work either

[–] 0 pt

I don’t European so I am of course more intelligent than you my IQ is above 120 and Jews Muslims in Nager’s are below 100 niggers and sand niggers are the most retarded the Jews only a little bit smarter than the Muslims but you don’t reach above 100 like your plagiarist thief fag Einstein you’re not as smart as you think you are you know you’re inferior that’s why you’re insecure and use victimhood as a weapon but it’s not gonna work you whiny fucking piece of shit out of Satan‘s ass you will be sent back that’s a guarantee so you could take your assugly jealous ugly jew female s your daemonic trans faggots any niger cockroaches back in to Satan‘s ass with you

[–] 0 pt

Look you deformed ass ugly inferior Parasitic fecal matter out of Satan’s ass and you know it that’s why you complain about white superiority White culture is superior and he just proven that with your psychotic jealousy and your whiny fag ass We can attempt at come back.

No thousand doctors have proven that it is a hoax the whole time this is not common knowledge this is agenda 21 event 201 people with intelligence already have no this so the Jews might try to scramble to hide information but that just proves that you’re scared then why are you censor the more you prove your weakness the way you try to lie and bullshit and gaslight people then why are you expose yourself Jews as the virus yes every single one because every single one of here you of you adhere to your sanHedron demonic talmud And it’s a lie if you try to deny it so we’re tired of your lies the Jews the thier incesssant lies

[–] 0 pt

and Fauci is a Jewish goblin and you can try to you know scooter on the issue and deflect and we’re tired of your bullshit like blame shifting and other very transparent female fucking tactics because she was mentally feel like Einstein the faggot plagiarist with that yes I am far more intelligent than you As I am a European female that means that we are above 120 some above 130 such as myself and even the most and uneducated white will still be more intelligent than the most educated Jew you are might be good in business but your thieves and it doesn’t take that much to lie and thieves that is not taken intelligence that means that you were just back stabbers That has nothing to do with your intelligence.Jews niggers and Muslims are under 120 And you feel insecure about that fact well that’s just too bad isn’t it that’s what the therapist is for so take your issues and go back to your land of origin which is deep inside satans ass

[–] 0 pt

lynx8 niggered himself thoroughly in this thread. Baboon.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

just fucking stop.

of course a virus will make a person sick, covid specifically.

OP IS TALKING ABOUT PREVENTITIVE care using it. not treating. my thoughts on treating with it are "sure. why not."

and lastly but AGAIN PEOPLE ARE NOT HAVING BAD SYMPTOMS FROM COVID OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES NO FALLNG PEOPLE LIKE WUHAN, EMPTY HOSPITALS. holee fuck people talk about cognitive dissonance but it get to a point one starts to think you are a paid larp pushing bs because you cant see simple basic facts

i have tea to drink and my son to prepare for the day.

god damn, think. dont send me this shit about IRRELEVANT(at the bottom of what you wrote), NOT ON TOPIC(the top), and some rudements that are Unimportant.

im gonna drink tea. have an upvote for me explaining so well how you suck this fine morning in north eastern u.s.

[–] 0 pt

Listen to Helena. I have three bad cases in my circle, all below 50 y. o. They all were immediately exposed and inhaled it into their lungs. They all needed oxygen supplied. All have their lung capacity reduced now, the pneumonia came back twice within 1 month. 50k hospital bill. None of them supplemented with Vitamin D or Zinc or even Vitamin C. None had underlying conditions. They had not seen sunlight in a while when they got it.

yes but how rare would this otherwise be? and why do our death statistics show no greater numbers? its hardly a pandemic and if everyone took ivermectin just in case it would likely cause more problems. it isnt a vitamin. it will kill scabies under your skin if you eat it. i admit i havent done research into it much

[–] 0 pt


My neighbor LITERALLY COLLAPSED ON THE FRONT LAWN. He is now in a BOX under DIRT. Is that a BAD SYMPTOM? Maybe you should open your eyes. 1 in 400 people died of covid here in the last year. That is out of the entire population, not just people who tested positive.

Stuff at the bottom is only irrelevant to midwits who dont care how things work.

Dont drink your son. That is not right.


what you say is still bullshit 1 in 400? did gates stop by last year